Nacht Markt

My Trip to Vienna's Nacht Markt | Breezing Through

On Saturday January 30, we got up early to explore a little more before our flight home. We went into the Imperial Hotel, which was incredible!

After the hotel, we headed to the Nacht Markt. Only about 2/3 of it were open, probably because it was early and wintertime. I loved all of the fruit and amazing things to buy!

We headed back to hotel where our Black Lane driver picked us up and took us to the airport. We made our flights home and arrived back in DC around 8:30 pm. I’m exhausted just thinking about all of the travel! This trip was incredible though and we got a ton of work done and saw a lot of cool things in a really short period of time.

Thanks for reading! Next week, I’ll be talking about how I packed all of my stuff in a International Carry-on bag, my new favorite travel purse and an Instagram round up of the trip.


Henri Bendel Convertible Backpack

