My Go To Baby Shower Gifts

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Breezing Through

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Post Details

Shirt // Pants // Earrings // Necklace // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Why I Don't Use the Registry

I know that most of us aren't going to baby showers right now but I do have a few friends that are having babies and I wanted to share my go to baby shower gifts!

I don't typically buy things off of the baby register, if there is one. As a new mom, I knew nothing. Not that everything on my registry was useless, but there were things we received as gifts that were not on our registry. Things we knew nothing about. So I like to gift those things instead! These are items that we used when Jackie was tiny and loved, things I want everyone else to have their own of.

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | PJs

A very good friend gifted these pjs to us before Jackie was born and they were my favorites. I ended up buying them in every size and we are die hard fans. I suggest them to everyone and gift them to all of my friends having babies.

Right now, they are on sale! They come in a bunch of styles and colors so you can find something for anyone you are gifting to. Usually these pjs are more expensive so I always try to stock up during a sale!

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Blanket

I have talked about our love for Saranoni blankets. I only discovered them a year or so ago so we didn't have them when Jackie was tiny but we have three of them in our house and Jackie loves hers! They are so soft and cozy. I like gifting the mini size because it isn't too big but it is big enough to cover a baby in a car seat.

At $15 each, I like to stock up on these when they are on sale. I have been able to stock up on them for $7-$8 a blanket, about half off. I get a bunch of different colors that will work for both boys and girls. Right now, there are two minis that are on sale if you are looking for something in the short term!

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Book

I always include a book in a baby gift. We started reading to Jackie when we first brought her home and it is something we do every night to do this day. She loves to read, it is part of our bedtime routine and it's a special part of our day. So I like to encourage this for other people as well.

I get books from all over. I did an Usborne + More book party earlier in March and got a lot of books from that. The books you can see in these pictures are both Usborne books. I also like board books by Sandra Boynton and Eric Carl.

My Go To Baby Shower Gifts | Shop

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