My Favorite Nativities

My mom has collected nativities for as long as I can remember. She has them from all over the world. In the time my husband and I have been married, I have started collecting nativities of my own, including ones I found while traveling. They have become some of my favorite treasured Christmas decorations and I want to share a few of my favorites with you.  I've rounded up a few of my favorites and a few of my mom's favorites because she has some beautiful ones that I have grown up loving.

My Favorite Nativities | My Collection

Willow Tree

This first one is a willow tree nativity. My in laws have the full one and I've always loved it. A few years ago they actually started gifting us parts of this nativity each year.


The next one is from Mexico. We found it shopping outside of Tulum when we were there in 2022. I fell in love with it and it needed to come home with me.


This next one is one piece which I absolutely love and it is from a brand called Thun. It's an Italian brand. My mom tends to get these when she is in Austria, and this is one of my favorite brands. There's a larger one coming, just wait!

Little People

I do love this Little People nativity because it is very durable, it's great for kids, and I don't have to worry about anything breaking. The kids can play with it while being able to enjoy the nativity and what's not to love about Little People?

My Favorite Nativities | My Mom’s Collection


So these nativities are from my mom's house and her collection. This one is from Ukraine. My mom got this in Kiev in 2008-2009. It's around for a while, but I absolutely love this one. It's so gorgeous! All of the pieces come off of this base, its handmade, and there is nothing else like it.


Last, but not least, my absolute hands down favorite nativity is this full moon nativity my mom has. Sadly, you really can't get these pieces outside of Europe. My mom gets them when she's in Austria when my parents go to several times a year for my dad’s work. It's just absolutely stunning. I love each individual piece and they come out with new pieces for it every year. She has been able to continuously add to it as time has gone on. This is one I've definitely laid claim on for the future because, I love it. Like I said, I can't link a lot of this stuff, because it they are so unique, but I have linked what I can below. Hopefully you can get inspired to start your own nativity collection too!

My Favorite Nativities | Shop


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