Moving Tips

Moving Tips | Breezing ThroughI received a lot of questions on how I was able to have such a quick and easy move so I thought I would share with you a few tips on how to move in the most organized way possible.

  1. Pack in advance! Don't be that person that asks their friends and family to help them move then waits to pack until everyone gets there. You will never have anyone help you move ever again. If you are having professional movers come in, I understand not packing anything, because that is their job. My suggestion is to start packing at least a month out. I know this sounds kind of crazy but you can start putting things into boxes that you aren't using just to get it out of the way.
  2. Label, Label, Label!! I cannot emphasize this enough. The best way to make sure your stuff going into the right room in your new home, you need to label everything. Be specific! I labeled each box and made sure I listed everything that was in each box and where I wanted it to go. When we got to the new apartment and everyone was unloading everything, I didn't have to direct everyone. I could focus on opening up boxes and directing where to put furniture.
  3. Have a plan. I was so anxious before this move, I think because this was the biggest move we had done by far and there were a lot of people coming to help us. I didn't know what everyone was going to do or how they could help. I finally sat down and decided to treat the move like an event. Once I did that, my anxiety pretty much went away and I was able to organize what we were going to do and how we were going to do it.
  4. Have food! If you are asking friends and family to help you move, you need to have some way to thank them. Food is usually the best way to do it. I luckily had my mom so she and I made pulled pork BBQ for everyone. My grandmother and a family friend took care of prepping and serving all of the food so by the time it was time to eat, it was easy and there was tons of food!
  5. Go to your new place ahead of time and make sure your furniture is going to fit in the places you want to put it. I used craft paper to measure out all of the furniture we were moving and I took it over to the new place the night before the move. I placed the paper where I wanted the furniture to be and made sure that it was going to fit. This made bringing the pieces in a lot easier, for everyone. The people moving the furniture knew where to put things and I didn't have to worry about the pieces not fitting!Breezing Through Blog



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