Illinois: Family Reunion

Over Columbus Day weekend, I traveled with my family to Southern Illinois for a family reunion. We left on Friday afternoon and started our 14 hour road trip. We had so much fun seeing the beautiful Fall scenery and loudly signing to Classic Rock. We stayed the night at a hotel in Clarksville, Tennessee (queue the Monkey's song). The next morning, we got up early and drove the last two hours to the Arrowhead Lodge in Wolf Lake, Illinois.Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing ThroughWe were so excited to see everyone! This was the cousins reunion for my maternal grandmother's side of the family. So almost all of my mom's cousins were there and so were their kids. I have gotten to know a lot of them over the last ten years and I really love going to visit them!The Arrowhead Lodge is a hunting lodge near the Mississippi River. It sits right next to the train tracks and trains run by all the time.Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing Through Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing Through Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing Through Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing ThroughMy cousin loved being near the tracks and we all took turns making sure she was only near them when there wasn't a train! The younger kids loved to place coins on the tracks and wait for a train to rush by and flatten the coins. Once the train was safely gone, the kids would rush onto the tracks and hunt down their coins. Sometimes the coins were never found but sometimes coins were distorted into really cool new shapes!Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing ThroughIllinois: Family Reunion | Breezing ThroughIt was so much fun to see everyone! This was all of the cousins that were there and their kids. We were missing a few of the cousins though!Illinois: Family Reunion | Breezing ThroughBe sure to check Friday's post to see if you won the Go Long Crew from Albion Fit!Breezing Through Blog


Illinois: The Mississippi and Pumpkin Patches


PicStick Review