How We Use Countdown Chains

One of the many accommodations we use for our autistic daughter is countdown chains. Usually when we use these, I have our daughter help me make them. She loves doing crafts anyway, but I use this time to talk about what we are counting down and how many pieces we need for the chain. She personally seems to enjoy the entire process more when she's participated in creating it.

How We Use Countdown Chains | Making the Chain

We use at least two different colors of paper and cut them into strips. Then she adds a little spot of glue with the glue stick on each strip and I help her loop them together. We often change up the decor in her room based on the season, so I usually try to coordinate the colors of the countdown chain to the decor in her room at the time. We then use painters tape and hang it next to her bed because this is a spot she can see and reference easily. I normally try to have her take a chain link off at night before bed, but if I forget (I have ADHD and that definitely happens sometimes) we'll take off a few links at a time.

How We Use Countdown Chains | Reusable Countdown Chain

Last year, my mother-in-law actually made a reusable countdown chain for Halloween, which was so sweet. She quilted all of the different pieces with 31 different fabrics. We've now used it two years in a row and we absolutely love it. Since it is reusable, I just keep a basket right underneath it and we put the fabric strips in the basket when we take the link off. It’s such a brilliant idea!

These have been a great accommodation in our neurodivergent house. We’ve used them in so many scenarios like going out of town, holidays, school starting and other exciting events that are hard to wait for.


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