How I Plan a Trip for Our Neurodivergent Family

I often get asked how I plan a trip for my neurodivergent family. I have I process I always go through, so let's talk about it before we head out on another trip.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Plenty of Space

No matter where we go, I make sure we stay somewhere where we have plenty of room.  Even if we are visiting family, we usually stay in an Airbnb because if there are too many people staying in one location, it becomes really overwhelming. Sometimes we stay in a hotel room, but I really try for Airbnb just because this really gives our family a home base to decompress and have a quiet space. My autistic daughter struggles with getting overwhelmed by having a lot of stimulation from people and noises and activities so having somewhere where she can be alone when she needs a break is crucial. I have found that it is more cost effective for us to get Airbnb's than multiple hotel rooms. When I'm looking at Airbnb's for us to stay in, I always make sure there are multiple bedrooms so we each have our own space as well as is space for our whole family.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Everyone Has Their Own Seat

Whenever we fly, I try to buy a seat for each individual person. I've done this since my daughter was an infant. She has always had her own plane seat, she just seems to travel better that way. Honestly, she is a rockstar at traveling. I will travel with her all over the world because she is so awesome on a plane, car or train. She's a great traveler. Our only experience traveling with the baby has been here in Argentina, but I know he wouldn't do well if he had to be a lap traveler. So having a dedicated (paid) seat for each person is crucial.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Bring Favorite Items

I always bring favorite things on the plane to make it as comfortable as possible. Having their favorite stuffed animal and/or favorite blanket makes them more regulated and helps everything to go smoothly.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | New Things for the Plane

I also always have something new for the plane to make it exciting and to kind of distract them.  So a few small new toys, books, activities, etc. makes our trips much easier.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Download Favorite Shows

I always have their favorite shows and movies downloaded onto their tablets. I never rely on the airlines to have shows that my kids will like. Sometimes they do and that is a nice surprise when it happens, but I don't bank on it. When we flew to Argentina from the US, my daughter watched multiple movies on the airplane TV, which was great, but I just can't guarantee that there's going to be stuff that they like so having something familiar on hand is a big deal for us.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Audiobook for Me

This one is for me, I always make sure that I have downloaded a book for me to listen to during a flight. I really enjoy podcasts and audio books, but for flights I tend to lean towards audiobooks. Audiobooks give me something I can enjoy and listen to, but I don't have to download multiple episodes like a podcast. I can still be paying attention and helping my kids, but I don't have to be watching something.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Keep Layovers Short

I try to keep layovers as short as possible when we're flying even if it costs more. Obviously this is not always in my control, but I try my best so we're not trying to entertain the kids between flights.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Have a Backup Plan/Prep for Delays

I do everything in my power to plan for delays and have backup plans, so pivoting is not a surprise. Sometimes you have to rent a car and drive, sometimes you have to change your flight, sometimes your layover is going to be three times longer than you expected it to be, that's part of travel. So I try to prep my kids for that in advance as much as possible.

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Prepare With Social Stories

I like to prepare my kids using the social stories that I have made. We have the airplane social story, the road trip social story, the ferry boat social story and I am working on a train social story. They are really helpful to my kids and they all are as diverse and neuro-affirming as I could possibly make them. You can find them in the shop!

How I Plan a Trip for Our ND Family | Plan Activities Around the Kids Interests

Lastly, when we are at our destination, I plan activities around the kids interests as well as around meals and nap time because it's very important for the kids to be well rested and well fed. I do my best to ensure that they're enjoying themselves and the activities that we're doing. If they are happy it makes for a better trip overall.

That about wraps up the list! Hopefully this was helpful to you or someone in your life. Stay tuned for our next trip to see how I put these tips into action.


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