Hip Dysplasia Post Op


Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing ThroughHip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through Hip Dysplasia Post Op | Breezing Through 

Hip Dysplasia Post Op | How Am I Healing?

It has officially been 4 weeks since my surgery. So I wanted to share how I am doing after my first Hip Dysplasia Post Op appointment. Most days have been really good. We all expected that I would come home from the surgery and be bedridden for the first month. With how my surgery went, I have been healing a lot faster than any of us could have ever thought.

My scars are healing really well. When we were at the doctor's office they removed the stitches from my smaller incisions so all the bandages and stitches are now out. My muscle tone is much better than expected. I can lay flat on my back and lift my right leg (surgery leg). I can sit and lift my leg from the knee. Walking has gotten easier but I am still using my walker. I have tripped a few times and put some weight on my surgery leg and I understand why I am not supposed to do that yet.

I have weened myself off of the oxicodone, so I am now only taking 5 mg every 24 hours. The pain has been a little bit more than I thought it would be off of the meds. I am stiffer and more tired. But I am determined to be off the meds. I want to get back to work and I can't on the pain meds. They make my head fuzzy.


Hip Dysplasia Post Op | What Am I Wearing?

Right now I wear a lot of joggers and sweaters. The larger incision runs right where I like to wear my pants. So everything I wear right now is loose. I have worn leggings a few times but it ended up being rather uncomfortable. I can't imagine what wearing jeans is going to be like.

One of the thing you don't really expect after surgery is the swelling. You expect swelling where the incisions are but you don't think about how it also effects the rest of your body. The top of my larger incision goes into my torso. I read the surgical report and the doctors had to cut into a muscle in my stomach to do the surgery. That caused swelling in my torso. So much so that the clothes I left the hospital in where much tighter than when I wore them last. Luckily the swelling is going down down almost everywhere.

I am working on a blog post with all of the clothes I have been wearing during recovering (based on interest from an Instagram poll).


Hip Dysplasia Post Op | How is Jackie?

I think the hardest part of this entire thing is my inability to help with Jackie.We have found ways that I can help with her but I can't get up with her in the night and when she wants to be held, I can't be the one to hold her. I know that I am doing better than we expected and I am incredibly blessed that this whole thing was as mild and easy as it has been. That doesn't mean that I don't miss carrying my daughter into a room. Or getting up with her in the morning and snuggling while everyone else is asleep.

Jackie and I are still living at my parent's house. The Husband is living at our apartment part time and with us part time. Most days he gets up, goes to work, comes out to my parent's house to help get Jackie to bed and then goes back home. He is then here with us on the weekends. I know this is incredibly hard on him but he is being great about it.

Jackie seems to be doing fairly well. She has gotten a few more teeth since we have been here so she isn't sleeping as well as she usually does. She also gets stir crazy. Since she loves going outside so when we don't, she gets grumpy. Luckily we have had lots of family and friends that have come to play with her or have taken her out to play.


Hip Dysplasia Post Op | What is Next?

Since I am inside all of the time, I am starting to go a bit stir crazy.My walker (which we have nicknamed Texas Ranger) has become my best friend and I can get around really easily. I have started to put a little bit of pressure on my right leg, without any pain. I am anxious to get back home and start outpatient physical therapy.

As you can see from the x-ray, I have three GIANT screws in my hip. I can actually feel the top of one of the screws right at my hip bone. Apparently this can become irritating and they will remove the screws in a year if I want. Right now, I find it fascinating.

I had my first postop appointment with my doctor's office on January 26th. They were thrilled with how I have been progressing and even said I might be able to start putting weight on my leg at my next appointment on February 22.


What's In My Diaper Bag


January Instagram Round Up