Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler

Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Breezing Through

Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Outfit Details

Dress: Old Navy // Leggings: Old Navy

Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Valentine's Day With A Toddler

I have found that holidays are much more fun with kids, especially ones you weren't really into before you had kids. Looking for things to do with Jackie to celebrate Valentine's Day brought me back to when I was little and my mom would pick me up from school on Valentine's Day with a fun little gift and we would go home and do a craft. It wasn't necessarily about the gift or the activity but the time I spent with my mom. So today, I want to share some fun Valentine's Day activities to do with your toddler so you can spend time together.


Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Bingo

This is much better for older toddlers up to adults. I bought this the minute I saw it because I knew it was something the rest of my family would enjoy doing. We played it a few weekends ago during a family party and the game went on for almost 2 hours! Since the cards are pictures, not numbers or letters, even a toddler can play this game without getting frustrated.

Letting the kids be the card reader is a fun way for them to get involved while also helping them learn how to better describe images. Jackie was not really into this to be honest but like I said,  the rest of the family loved it!

Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Simple Valentine's Day Cards

Jackie is just now getting into coloring. She mostly likes to take the tops on and off the markers but it is progress right? When I found these cute Disney Princess Valentine's Day cards, I knew she would enjoy coloring them and we could then send/give them to family members. The pack also includes stickers to use on the cards or include with the cards when you give them out.

Jackie enjoyed carrying the box around and taking the cards out of the box and then putting them back in the box. I swear she is going to grow up to be an engineer! I chose cards with characters on them that Jackie recognized and had other toys of. She related to the cards better and was excited when I showed her who was on them. There are of course a lot of options when it comes to these kinds of cards and you can get ones that your child will relate to.


Fun Valentine's Day Activities to Do With Your Toddler | Window Clings

What toddler doesn't love window clings? With our new windows, the biggest problem I had with these was where to put them. Jackie, at 21 months, is at the perfect age to play with these. When I got her some at Christmas time, she would just pull them off the window and then try to rip them apart. Just 2 months later, she spends time taking the hearts off of the window, examining them, and then returning them to the window. This is a great activity to practice fine motor skills and patience.


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