Finding Me Time

Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through Finding Me Time | Breezing Through


Finding Me Time | Outfit Details

Dress: SheIn // Necklace: Kendra Scott // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Purse: Madewell // Shoes: Keds


Finding Me Time | Finding The Time

I am an introverted extrovert. So I love being in groups of people but I need to have my alone time to recharge. And that includes times alone for Jackie and The Husband. Which is totally normal. The problem is finding time for that. When Jackie is awake, I have to be her mom, before anything else. Usually when she is asleep, I am working or spending quality time with The Husband. So when do I find time for my "me time"?

I have learned that I have to make the time for myself. I am happier and a better wife/mom when I have time to myself. I usually get up early, between 5 and 5:30 am so that I can spend some time by myself. Lately, Jackie has been waking up a lot earlier than she used to, along with waking up in the night. This really messes with my morning schedule because I am one of those people that needs about 7 hours of sleep to function. So when I don't get those 7 hours, I can't get up early. I have had to get creative about how I am getting that me time because of this. The Husband has been taking online piano lessons so he has been practicing more in the evenings. So this is a good time for my me time. And if I can't seem to squeeze it in during the day, I just tell The Husband that I need some time to myself. Luckily he is really understanding and an introvert himself, so he gets it. I don't this every day, because life has been crazy and most nights I am just falling into bed. But I make it work when I need it.

Finding Me Time | What I Do

My "me time" looks different depending on the day. I feel like "me time" and self care are different things but they can go hand in hand. Self care is a constant thing that needs to be apart of every day life. But "me time" can include self care. I sometimes do my nails during "me time" (more to come on that soon). Often, my "me time" consists of me working on this blog. It's something I enjoy and I do it because I want to. It isn't work or required. And the results I get from it are based on how much I put into it. There isn't a crisis if I don't post one day.

Some of my other "me time" activities include exercising, reading, going to Target alone, watching a show/movie, or listening to a podcast. Sometimes I do some of those when I am getting ready in the mornings. It allows me to decompress before the day starts.

I have found that when I do prioritize my "me time", I am happier in general. When I am stressed or feeling overwhelmed, I usually need to take some time for myself and recharge. And that can take a few days. 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there adds up over time but they don't do the trick right away.

What do you do for your "me time"?


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