Eleven Months With Jackie

Eleven Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Eleven Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Eleven Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Eleven Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Eleven Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Eleven Months With Jackie | Breezing ThroughEleven Months With Jackie | Breezing ThroughEleven Months With Jackie | Breezing ThroughEleven Months With Jackie | Breezing ThroughEleven Months With Jackie | Breezing Through

Eleven Months With Jackie | Outfit Details

Dress: Matilda Jane // Tights: H&M // Shoes: Freshly Picked

Eleven Months With Jackie | Milestones

Every month I say the same thing, this was the biggest month ever! That's what happens when you have a baby. Every milestone is huge. But this month, Jackie started walking. Over the last two months, she has been cruising around the furniture and taking steps when we held her hands. We knew that it was going to be any day that she would start walking. A few weeks ago, Paris said it would be by the end of the week that Jackie would start walking. And at the end of that week, Jackie was walking. She gets braver each day and takes more and more steps. She is getting braver every day and goes further distances. She will be running soon, I am just sure of it.

She has also started clapping. I think she picked it up from the olympics because she just started doing it one day. Now if she sees or hears anyone else clapping, she claps. If she hears "yay" she claps. It's pretty adorable.

Jackie now has 8 teeth, EIGHT! A ninth one has cut through, I feel like there is a new one every week. She is going to have an entire mouthful of teeth by the time she is a year old. We have been so lucky with Jackie when it comes to teething. She just gets a little grumpy and clingy when she gets a new tooth. She sleeps just like normal and doesn't get a fever.


Eleven Months With Jackie | What We Have Planned for The Next Month

Can we talk about Jackie's dress for a minute. For some reason, it is her personality in an outfit. Frilly and girly but also adventurous. This little girl isn't afraid of anything, including strangers! It is the perfect outfit for cruising around the discovering new things.

I am still recovering from surgery, you can read all about that here, this month. I have started physical therapy but I still can't pick up Jackie. So we are staying with my parents until the end of the month. Then The Husband's mom is coming out to stay with us to help us transition back home and to be here for Jackie's first birthday party. We are so excited that she is coming!

My aunt, who is AMAZING at kids birthday parties, is helping me plan Jackie's birthday party. I can't wait to show you all how it turns out!


February 2018 Instagram Round Up


7 Weeks Post Op