7 Weeks Post Op


7 Weeks Post Op from PAO Surgery | Breezing Through

7 Weeks Post Op from PAO Surgery | Breezing Through 7 Weeks Post Op from PAO Surgery | Breezing Through

7 Weeks Post Op | It's Been Easier Than I Thought

For those of you that are new around here, you can read all about my hip dysplasia and the surgery that I had here. You can read about my 4 week post op update here. To be honest, this experience has been much easier than I was expecting. I had this scenario in my head where it was going to be a long, drawn out and painful process that would take me months to feel like myself again. Part of this is because of the expectations I was given by my doctors and other people I know that have had this surgery.

Luckily for me, my surgery and recovery have been incredibly easy in comparison to what I was expecting. I think that setting my expectations low helped a lot. It gave me something to strive to be better than. I do get up every day and get dressed and go downstairs. Being around Jackie helps a lot. It's amazing how healing children are.


7 Weeks Post Op | What the Doctor Said

Last week I went back down to Durham, NC and had my second post op appointment. I have been feeling really good, even putting pressure on my right leg. I had taken myself off of the oxycodone and I was really only having issues sleeping at night. To be honest, I was hoping the doctor would tell me I could move off of my walker and I could start using a cane.

While that's not what the doctor said, I'm not bitterly disappointed. He told me I needed to stay on the walker (or use crutches) until 8 weeks post op, so next week! Until then, I'm allowed to put even more weight on my leg. Obviously I should stop if something is too painful. But I can start outpatient physical therapy and I will be able to start driving again at 8 weeks. Not that it really means much since I still won't be able to lift Jackie so I will always need someone with me. I will basically need to learn how to drive again.


7 Weeks Post Op | How I am Healing

I already have a cane and I do use it sometimes, mostly when I'm trying to maneuver baby gates. Sometimes I over do it and walk too much, with or without the walker. But I think it's good for me. I do need to push myself to some extent but I don't over do it.

The doctor really liked how I was healing. He said that the bones were fusing back the way they should and Mother Nature was doing her thing. They did suggest that I start taking calcium and vitamin D pills to help with the healing process.

My scars are healing really well. My aunt works for a cosmetic dermatologist who specializes in scar removal. Because my incisions are still so new, they need to finish healing before they could be removed. For now, she has me using Maderma to help with the scars. I think it's working really well to be honest. After the swelling went down, I was able to feel one of the screws! It is kind of weird but kind of awesome too.

I go outside, sit on the floor, go up and down the stairs. But I am careful.


Eleven Months With Jackie


President Day Sales