Idaho: Christmas in Boise

We are finally back from all of our holiday travels! We have been getting back into our regular routine and I was really sick this weekend! Luckily I am feeling a lot better now!With my family living on the East Coast and the husband's family living in Idaho, we end up splitting the holidays across the country. So far we have alternated years spending Christmas with each side of the family. This year we were with the Idaho family!Getting Boise is not an easy feat. We usually have to dedicate an entire day for travel each way. For some reason our flights are always delayed! United, you need to work on this! This year, due to finals and scheduling, the husband and I were on different flights to Boise but got in around the same time. I ended up with a 4 hour layover in Denver (flight was delayed an extra hour). Thankfully, we gave ourselves a few days ahead of Christmas to arrive in town just in case we missed flights and so we could beat the jet lag!We had a ton of fun and loved seeing our family!Photo Dec 26, 6 34 19 AM Photo Dec 25, 11 40 41 PMBreezing Through


Idaho: Idaho Botanical Garden Lights


UAE: Desert Trip