Celebrating Valentine's Day

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The Husband and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. This started when we were dating and I insisted that we didn't make a big deal about Valentine's Day. The Husband was scheduled to work that night and I have never actually been a fan of the holiday. I don't want flowers or chocolates or dinner at a nice restaurant on the same day as everyone else. I want to celebrate our birthdays and anniversary when they matter. I want random days to be special.

Instead we tend to do something fun on President's Day. This year, I don't think we will be doing much, since this baby is ready to make her appearance at any time now! I do love the colors of Valentine's Day though. This burgundy dress and vest combination is something I saw a few months ago and couldn't wait to put together on my own. It is perfect for Date Night or Valentine's Day if you are celebrating!


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