Baby Bylund Coming March 2023

Blue, green and white balloon garland lines the stairs with letter board beneath reading "Baby Boy Bylund due March 2023" next to an ultrasound picture

Baby Bylund Coming March 2023 | Surprise

You probably didn’t see that one coming did you? I have been keeping this to family and friends and a few other people that needed to know. You may have noticed that I have been a little more absent on Instagram and I haven’t done a huge project in awhile. I haven’t felt like doing a big build over the last few weeks so I have been taking it slower than usual. I am still working on a bunch of stuff, especially with getting ready for a baby to come! So don’t worry, there will still be a bunch of DIY projects in the next few months getting ready for this baby.

I am 14 weeks pregnant, so I am now in my second trimester. It has been a minute since I was pregnant so it has been something I have had to get used to again! My pregnancy with Jackie was very mellow. I was mostly just tired and hardly had any nausea. This pregnancy has been very different. I have been nauseas and exhausted but it comes and goes a lot. I am also 31, 6 years older than the last time I was pregnant. I am closer to an “advanced maternal age” pregnancy than not. I do have to remind myself that some days are going to be harder than others. I also have an Autistic 5 year old and I have ADHD, so things aren’t going to be perfect or easy. And that’s ok. I have been learning to give myself a lot of grace over the last 2 years and this is just one more year of learning opportunities!

Baby Bylund Coming March 2023 | ADHD & Pregnancy

I still have ADHD, it’s not something you grow out of! When I was pregnant with Jackie, I went off of my ADHD meds as soon as I got that positive pregnancy test. However, not long after I had Jackie, a few studies came out of Europe looking into what happens when ADHD moms stay on their meds while pregnant. The findings of these studies were found “not statistically significant”. A few studies have also been done in the US with findings being deemed “not statistically significant” or “borderline statistically significant”. This doesn’t mean that staying on ADHD medication while pregnant is the best choice for everyone. But it means that the old idea of not being on them at all changed to discuss with your doctor and decide what is best for you and your baby.

So I did just that. Before I was even pregnant, I started talking to my doctors about what they thought. Should I stay on my meds? Should I go off my meds again? Collectively with my ADHD doctors and my midwife, we decided it was best for me and our family for me to stay on my ADHD medication. Once I was pregnant, I would be monitored by the high risk OB to make sure baby was developing correctly and at the right rate. So we had a plan.

When I did get that positive pregnancy test, there was no question about next steps. We actually found out about this pregnancy very early on, like 5 weeks. So this baby has been heavily monitored from very early on. I first saw the high risk OB when I was 10 weeks pregnant. This was my first experience with a high risk OB, so I had no idea what to expect. I love this doctor! She is very detailed and I have never had such an in depth ultrasound. And because I was seeing a high risk OB, they did the blood panel for genetic issues and sex chromosomes. So we have known the gender of this baby since 11 weeks.


Blue, green and white balloon garland line the stairs behind mom and daughter. Letter board reading "Baby Boy Bylund Due March 2023". Emily is wearing a mauve shirt reading "mama", Jackie is wearing a matching mauve shirt reading "big sister"

Baby Bylund Coming March 2023 | Jackie’s Reaction

Jackie has known about the baby for awhile. The Husband and I were a little nervous about how she would take the original news. When we first told her, she countered by telling us that she had a turtle in her tummy. And then didn’t bring up the baby for a week! But since then, she has gotten really used to the idea and seems to be excited. Of course, when we first told her, we didn’t know that the baby was a boy. And Jackie was pretty set on having a little sister. So when we found out the baby was a boy, we got really nervous. We weren’t sure how she would take that news. But we have a while to get her used to the idea so I decided to figure out a really good way to tell her.

I was talking to my Virtual Assistant about how we found out the gender and that we were nervous about telling Jackie. She suggested getting a baby boy doll to help present the idea. Which I loved! Target has a great line of baby dolls that come in a range of skin tons, hair colors and eye colors. So I got a boy baby doll that looked like Jackie did when she was born and some fun things for Jackie to play with (diaper bag, baby carrier). We used the doll to tell Jackie one night and she was a little hesitant at first but she has warmed up to the idea! She has loved taking the doll around with us everywhere and telling everyone it’s her little brother. So I think she is ready for a little brother. And when she figures out she will have an easier time bossing around a little brother, I think she will be even more on board!

Baby Bylund Coming March 2023 | How We are Prepping

It’s been 6 years since I was pregnant and 5 years since we had a newborn. We have moved and are in a new space. Things are going to be a little different than last time! The major thing that we are doing is switching stuff up in the house. Right now, our third floor loft area doubles as a tv/play area and a guest bedroom. That space needs to be turned into a nursery. So where will all of that furniture go? Well the guest bed and night stands will stay up there. It’s a huge space and too big to just be a nursery. So it will double as a guest room and nursery. All of the toys, the couch, and the tv will go down to the first floor, which will become the new play space and tv area. I am going to build an entertainment center downstairs so that we can have plenty of toy storage. I can’t wait to show you how these spaces are going to transform! I will be sharing my thoughts for both spaces soon.


DIY Pumpkin Wreaths


ADHD Organization Tips