7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler

7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Breezing Through

7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Why Would You?

So we have now been on several road trips with Jackie and I have learned a lot. The first trip she was 8 months old and it was much different than our trip this weekend, but I feel like a lot of these tips still apply! You can read all about my tips for flying with a baby here.

7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Bring Their Favorite Snacks

This was critical for Jackie. She loves snacks, especially string cheese. It's hard to feed a toddler a full blown meal when you are in the car and they don't care when you are going to stop for lunch, they are hungry when they are hungry. I packed three separate containers of Jackie's favorite snacks. They had a mixture of her favorites so we didn't have to go between containers. It was perfect for those in between meal times.


7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Bring Their Favorite Shows/Movies

I know that everyone has their own opinions about screen time with kids. I am sharing mine, but I understand they are mine. We let Jackie watch a handful of movies and several YouTube shows that are in Spanish. Since I don't speak Spanish fluently, I know it's a really good way for her to learn Spanish when The Husband isn't home.

So I put 3 of her favorite movies on my iPad. She was able to watch them, when she needed to. It was great for everyone. Wireless headphones are great too, but Jackie didn't like hers this trip. I have linked some headrest iPad cases below.


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7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Let Them Walk Around During Stops

This was critical. Jackie is almost 13 months old and can pretty much run at this point. I was very nervous about this trip because I knew this was going to be different than our last trip. She can walk. She knows she can walk. She would want to get out of her seat.

So every time we stopped, I let her get out of her seat and run around. This can be intimidating as a new parent. You are worried that they are going to terrorize everyone and everything. But they need this. Let them out. Let them run. You can follow them around and make sure they are contained. You will be much happier in the long run, trust me.


7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Be Flexible

Some people like to have their entire trip scheduled. They only stop for gas and for food, if they even stop for food. This is so much harder with a toddler. They need diaper changes. They get ants and need to run around. So be flexible. Stop when they need to. Make your stops about them, not about you. Your trip will be a lot smoother.


7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Have Their Favorite Blanket/Comfort Item

This is an obvious one, but just don't forget them. You don't want to forget it for in the car or when you get to your destination. They are important. Your child uses them for comfort and to sleep. So make sure you have them with you when you leave!

Jackie loves her bunny, conejo we call it. As soon as I figured out it was her favorite, I bought extras. That way when we are traveling, I can bring extras with me in case we loose one. And we have lost one. So bring extras too!


7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Dress Them Comfortably

I know you want to put them in the cutest outfit possible, I do anyway, but make sure they are comfy. Comfy shoes, comfy clothes. Nothing that will bind or will make them uncomfortable. You want them to be in something they can sleep in, even if it is PJs.

Also be sure to have extra outfits easily accessible. Since you are on a road trip, it would seem easiest to just grab something from their suitcase. But it won't be easily accessible. It will be in the hardest to reach place, and you will have to unpack the entire car. So put extra clothes in the diaper bag. It will make your life a lot easier.


7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Try to Stay Calm

Our little ones can stress us out. Even the most patient of us, can get stressed out by a toddler. So be patient. Make sure you have brought everything you need with you and then breathe. Get them what they need in a timely manner but don't let their meltdown dictate your mood. When you get upset, they get upset. So be the example and try to stay calm!


7 Tips for Road Tripping With A Toddler | Shop My Must Have Items

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