21 Week Bump Date and A PinkBlush Maternity Giveaway!


I can't believe I am already this far along, more than half way! This little one is very stubborn and is very much like both her mom and her dad. Funny story: We went for the mid-pregnancy Ultrasound at 18 weeks. Baby had been moving around a lot at that point so I figured they wouldn't have a problem getting all of the measurements they needed. Of course, because all we wanted was for her to move around, she stayed curled up in a ball the entire time. Which was almost an hour. Three tries later, I was told I should come back in a few weeks to try again. Luckily, when I went back last week at 20 weeks, she was much more cooperative and they got all of the measurements they needed. I am so glad we did the gender Ultrasound at 16 weeks because it would have driven me crazy not finding out at the 18 weeks Ultrasound! 

How Far Along: 21 weeks according to the last due date I was given. During the mid-pregnancy Ultrasound last week though they told me baby Girl is measuring at 21 weeks so she would be 22 weeks now. I've learned this whole due date and  weeks measurement  thing are very fluid.

Food Cravings: My food cravings have not been weird, just very specific. I went through about a three week phase where all I wanted was Kraft Mac and Cheese. Luckily the cheese sauce packets are wheat free so I would buy boxes of Mac and Cheese and then buy a box of gluten free pasta elbows. The other night I wanted Outback Steakhouse's cheese fries. And then on Sunday I wanted the sandwich I ate from Five Loaves Cafe in Charleston. My cravings normally come around dinner time or at 10 pm. I don't crave sweets like I did pre-pregnancy but I will eat something sweet every now and then. 

Baby Gender: Girl! You can read more about how we shared the news with our families here.

Baby Name: We do have a name for her and have been telling our families and friends. I think I'll keep it off of the Internet and social media until she arrives though! 

Baby Movement: Baby Girl is a serious mover. I felt her move for the first time around 16 weeks and The Husband was able to feel her move for the first time around 19 weeks. Sugar gets her going a lot and she likes to stretch out and kick and punch at the same time. It was so weird the first time she did that but I love it. She moves a lot in the morning, at night and pretty much any time I am siting still. 

Sleep: I have been generally be sleeping really well. I can sleep all the way through the night again, which is a big step from waking up around 3 am needing to pee every night! I am obsessed with my pregnancy pillow, which helps me sleep on my sides instead of my back. 

Maternity Clothes: I wear exclusively maternity pants/leggings and have a few maternity shirts. I have tried to just buy oversized sweaters that I can wear again next winter when I'm not pregnant. I now have three maternity dresses, all from Pink Blush. 

Weight Gain: I've gained about 5 pounds so far. I feel like it is MUCH more but I think that's how most pregnant women feel! 

What I've Purchased: Once I found out  we were having a girl, I kinda went crazy buying her little outfits. I usually find cute little things on H&M, Zulilly or in the clearance section at Target. I have bought a rug for her nursery and some moccasins for her. I'm waiting until after the holidays to really focus on getting her nursery put together since I have to get the office cleared out first to make room for said nursery.  I am planning on buying her stroller this weekend with all of the amazing sales happening. If I do find a good deal on it, I will be sure to share it with you all!

I am obsessed with this dress. I was really excited when Pink Blush reached out to me about a collaboration because I had already bought two of their dresses and loved them. Like I said in the maternity clothes section, I haven't bought a ton of dresses yet but the ones I have so far are amazing. I love that they don't necessarily look like maternity dresses and that they will work with my growing baby bump. The print on this dress is so bright and happy and I think it's perfect for these cooler almost winter days.

I am so excited that to be teaming up with PinkBlush to give away a $75 gift card to their store. They have some amazing maternity clothes and regular size options. Use the rafflecopter below to enter and head over to my Instagram for an extra entry! The giveaway will run from today until midnight on November 30. The giveaway is open to the US only. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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