2019 Christmas Decor

2019 Christmas Decor | Breezing Through

2019 Christmas Decor | Outfit Details

My PJs // Slippers// Jackie's PJs

2019 Christmas Decor | Christmas Decor

I am trying out a new format for my blog posts, so let me know what you think! You can click on the smaller pictures in the galleries to see them larger. Today I am sharing my Christmas decor! The Husband and I have moved a lot since we got married, thanks to law school and getting settled with jobs. So our Christmas decor has pretty much changed every single year. You can see our decor from 2018 here and 2016 here. My style has changed throughout the years as well. I have always had a green tree, even if it was flocked. We had a small white tree last year and I loved it so much I decided to get a large white tree this year!

So of course this year was different, just like the last few. I changed a lot of things up and didn't have a place to put a lot of things. I mead a mantel last year since we didn't have one, using some bookshelves. That didn't happen this year since the bookshelves I used are now in Jackie's room so that didn't make sense. I do love how everything turned out though! I have linked to as many items as possible at the bottom of the post so you can shop it all there.

2019 Christmas Decor | Breezing Through

2019 Christmas Decor | Jackie's Room

I started decorating Jackie's room last year. I thought it was so fun to have a little tree in her room. Last year, I used a tiny little tree that my mom had sent me during my first year of college. Well, after 10 years, that poor tree just fell apart. So this year, I used one of our larger trees from last year. I loved the neutral of the white and it goes perfectly with the decor of Jackie's room.

Most of the ornaments on her tree are plush or plastic so they can't break, even if she tried. For the most part, Jackie has left the ornaments on the tree. She has been carrying around the Frozen ornaments and even sneaking them into her bed. But in her mind those are toys, not ornaments so I'm not sure that counts! She does love to go into her room, shut the doors, turn off the lights and then turn on the Christmas tree lights on and off. So I think the tree in her room has been a hit!

2019 Christmas Decor | Family Room

Last year I had to be very careful about how we decorated because Jackie was getting into everything. We didn't have a large tree because Jackie was walking and had a bad habit of pulling stuff down onto herself. I could just see her doing that with a tree. We ended up with 4 small trees of various sizes. This year, I felt like she could handle a tree so we went with a 6.5 foot one. I could have gone much bigger since we have 12 foot ceilings but we aren't 100% sure what next Christmas will be like so I didn't want to commit to too big of a tree. I wasn't sure where I was going to put the tree since this was our first Christmas decorating in this apartment. I did have to move some furniture around but I love where it ended up.

Honestly, I am loving the white tree. I didn't know how I would life after a few weeks but I think it's just what I have been looking for. I have never actually liked a lot of red and green in my Christmas decor so this was the perfect way to have a tree that fits that style. When it comes to the ornaments on this tree, Jackie loves to touch the princesses and talk about them but she has been so good about leaving them on the tree. I usually remind her when she is touching the ornaments but I haven't had to as much in the last week or so.

I was also sure to include a shelf where Jackie can keep her nativities. She has been loving carrying pieces around and telling us about them. She does hide some of them. This shelf has been really helpful for showing Jackie which nativities she can have and which ones she can't. If it is on the shelf, it's hers. If it is somewhere else, it's mommy's. It was rough for the first week or so but she has it down now.

2019 Christmas Decor | Breezing Through

2019 Christmas Decor | Breezing Through

2019 Christmas Decor | Breezing Through

2019 Christmas Decor | Kitchen

I posted last month about creating a Toddler Friendly Christmas Centerpiece. We have an island in our kitchen that is a big part of the entire apartment. It's probably the largest surface I have for decorating. I had a lot of fun creating this centerpiece. I went for more neutral pieces that went with the rest of the decor and I could use through the rest of winter, not just in December.

We also have a few advent calendars throughout the kitchen. We have the ones that my parents bought in Austria, this cute Christmas countdown that came in my Rad Mail, and the Trader Joes one my in laws sent. Jackie has loved opening up the panels each day. She doesn't get why we are doing it but it's fun!

2019 Christmas Decor | Shop

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