Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions

Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing ThroughWhy I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Breezing Through

Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Outfit Details

Top: Poppy & Dot // Pants: H&M // Boot Socks: Target // Boots: Sperry // Necklace: Made By Mary // Necklace: Kendra Scott // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Kendra Scott // Watch: Arvo Wear // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Jackie's Dress: Hanna Andersson // Jackie's Leggings: Hanna Andersson // Jackie's Shoes: Freshly Picked // Diaper Bag: Freshly Picked


Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Happy New Year!

How is it already 2019? I feel like this year flew by for our family, but we did have a lot going on. Maybe that kept the time moving faster. I do love the start of a new year because there are birthdays, trips and other big events to look forward to. With Jackie, I feel like every new year is a learning experience. We grow as parents and as a family. Jackie gets older and learns more things. I learn how to be a better mom and I see how I have changed. All of these things happen throughout the year, regardless of it being January 1st or the year increasing.


Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | How I Feel About Resolutions

I have never liked New Year's resolutions. Even when I did make them when I was younger, I never stuck to them. They lasted a few months and then I would feel bad for not doing them the entire year. We have all been there. And then at the start of every new year, we resolve to be better. Why do we wait until the new year? Why does it have to be January 1st to start fresh? Or Monday? Why can't we just choose to start doing something, and then do it? Make it a habit and see it through until it's second nature.

We have all been that person who committed to lose 20 pounds by going to the gym every day. But we only lasted 3 months. We promise to write in our journal every day and last a week. We want to kick that soda habit but can't last 24 hours without a Coke. I personally don't understand why we sit around at the beginning of each new year and make promises to ourselves that we all know we aren't going to keep. If you are one of those people that actually does follow through with your resolutions, more power to you! There aren't very many of you.


Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | What I Do Instead

Instead of making resolutions at the beginning of each year, I decide to do something when I feel like I need to. I don't wait for the new year and I don't commit to doing something I know won't happen. Personally, I feel like I could lose 5-10 pounds. I am not going to commit to go to a gym, ever. I hate going to the gym. But I have been drinking more water and less soda for the last few months. I didn't wait until January 1st to start. I'd love to do yoga in the mornings more, but right now I am trying to get 8 hours of sleep. So I won't commit to doing yoga untilI I am getting enough sleep again.

Right now I have a list of things I am working on. I add to the list when I feel like I need to:

-drink more water

-spend less time on my phone

-write more meaningful blog posts

-daily scripture study

-be less busy, say no more

-take better care of my skin

-use my gratitude journal


Why I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions | Does It Work?

I wouldn't do it if it didn't work. But I guess that is obvious. None of these things have a deadline. I don't have an unreasonable expectation to do things I know I wouldn't do. They are each habits I am working on and instead of being disappointed at the end of the year, I tend to be happier with how my year went. I have been taking better care of my skin since April. And now, even when I am really tired, I do my skin care routine. Because it is a habit and I love the results I have gotten. I have been spending a lot less time on my phone and I have seen it through my weekly usage update I get in my notifications. I bought incredibly cute insulated cups to keep my water in so I am motivated to drink more. It's working.

Each of the things on my list is a daily thing. I don't wait for a certain day to do them and I can do them whenever works for me. If I get up really early, I can get some scripture study and gratitude journal time in. Otherwise I do it during Jackie's nap time or at night. I don't beat myself up for missing a day, I just catch up and move on. I have been doing this for several years and I like it much better than setting random resolutions each year. But that is just me.



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