Why I Chose a Diamond Alternative

Why I Chose a Diamond Alternative | Breezing ThroughWhy I Chose a Diamond Alternative | Breezing ThroughWhy I Chose a Diamond Alternative | Breezing Through

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Why I Chose a Diamond Alternative | Why not Mined?

When I was a teenager, my parents visited South Africa. They came back with a whole new understanding of the diamond market and my mom refused to buy any diamonds after that. My older brother proposed with a mossanite ring (space rock for those of you not in the know). I knew at some point, I was going to have to decide what kind of diamond/stone I wanted. I put it off for a while, waiting until I was in a relationship where that mattered.

When the Husband and I became serious and started talking about getting married, I told him that I wanted a diamond alternative ring. I had done my research. There are so many options out there and many people don't know about that. We live in a world, especially in the US, where it's all about how big your diamond is and how much you spent on it. Did you know that most diamond ring sellers suggest you spend 3 months of your salary on an engagement ring? That seemed a little crazy to me. We were going to be poor law school students. The Husband had a full tuition scholarship to law school so we weren't going into debt. I didn't want to go into debt over my engagement ring. The Husband was a bit skeptical at first. He was worried that I would want a real diamond later on. I assured him that I didn't and showed him one of my favorite places to find diamond alternative rings, Diamond Nexus.


Why I Chose a Diamond Alternative | Where I Found My Ring

Diamond Nexus creates conflict free diamond alternatives, in a lab, for the fraction of the price of a mined diamond. While I am incredibly supportive of conflict free diamonds, the biggest draw for me was always the price. Why go into debt over a RING? Yes, you will wear it forever but what happens if you lose it and you spent thousands of dollars on it? Trust me, losing your wedding ring is devastating. But when you are able to replace your ring with the exact same one and not have to sell all of your earthly possessions to do it, I see that as a win. You can read all about that tragedy here.

Diamond alternatives are just what they sound like. They look like diamonds, they behave like diamonds, they wear like diamonds. However, they do have a different element composition from a mined diamond and are not carbon diamonds. They are SO MUCH CHEAPER though! You can read all about Diamond Nexus and their rings here. You can even design your own ring, so it will be as unique as you are.

Once I convinced The Husband that I really would love this ring forever, he was on board. I love explaining my ring to people, they are usually surprised at the background. I find the most people don't know that buying a diamond alternative is even an option.




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