What I Am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Breezing Through

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Outfit Details

Dress // Earrings // Necklace // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Shoes

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Mental Health

This is such a weird time and so far I have talked about home schooling and fun activities to do with kids but I haven't really talked about how to talk care of yourself and what I am doing to take care of myself. So today, I want to talk about what I am doing for my mental health during social distancing.

These are things that work for me, but that doesn't mean they will work for you or that you don't need to do more. You need to find what the right balance of things for you are but I feel like sharing what I am doing will help give you some ideas you may not be thinking about. Also, I am still figuring this out. There are good days and bad days. I am by no means an expert at this but these are things that have worked for me.

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Get Dressed

One of my dad's favorite sayings is "Get up, dress up, show up" and it's something I have always practiced. He really meant it for attending class in college but it can be applied to pretty much everything.

I have found that sticking to my usual, pre COVID-19, routine has made a huge difference for me. Getting up, getting dressed like I usually would and getting ready for the day makes everything seem somewhat normal. And while I may be getting up a little later than I would like, I shower and get dressed EVERY DAY. Putting clothes and makeup on and doing my hair puts me in a good mindset. It helps me focus on what I need to do each day.

I asked on my Instagram post yesterday if people where getting dressed or wearing sweats and I had a lot of people say they were wearing sweats and pjs all day. Which is totally fine! If that works for you, great. But maybe, if you are struggling during this weird time, try showering and getting dressed every day even if you don't have to work from home. It may make you feel better.

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Take Meds

In pretty much every post I have done about ADHD or anxiety, I have mentioned taking my meds. The best thing I can do for my mental health is to take my meds. Continuing to take them at the same time every day, has made a big difference.

In addition to my meds, I have been taking a supplement called Relora. A doctor had suggested to my mom a few years ago and she had be take it during the last conference I organized in 2016. This supplement helps moderate stress and level out cortisol levels. I want to point out, I AM NOT A DOCTOR. This is something that has worked for me and is something you can buy from Amazon but I would suggest talking to your doctor before taking it. It is not safe for pregnant or nursing women. It has made a different for me though. Where my anxiety was through the rough for the first few days of social distancing, I am much calmer after I started taking this again.

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Take Me Time

I have talked about taking and finding Me Time in the past. With The Husband working from home until the end of April and Jackie's school being canceled for the rest of the year, there isn't much time for Me Time the way I have done it in the past. So I have had to look at it from a different perspective.

Instead of being totally alone during Me Time, which is not realistic at this point, I am working on doing other things that are calming and cathartic when I am with other people. I have been working on crafts with the girls and I found that sewing has been really soothing for me. I can do it around other people but it can be something for me at the same time.

What I am Doing For My Mental Health During Social Distancing | Give Myself Grace

This is such a weird, difficult, uncomfortable, unprecedented time. This isn't like past wars where people were still going to work and seeing loved ones that were close by. Movement has been limited, interactions with others have been restricted and there isn't really an end date that can be pinpointed. While there are "suggestions" and rules, many are unclear and changing and you have to do a lot of figuring out what the best thing for you and your family are.

This is the hardest thing for me. I like rules and structure. If there are restrictions in place, I'd like to know exactly what they all are and to stick to them. I am frustrated and confused most of the time. This has lead to several melt downs, and I know I am not the only one. I have to let those moments go and try to find a way to move on. But giving myself some grace to have a break down and not be ok has been helpful.


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