Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015

  With 2016 coming this week, I wanted to share with you my top 5 favorite places I traveled in 2015. While I loved everywhere we went this year, these were my favorites.

5. Walt Disney World

I always love going to Disney World. We rang in 2015 at Disney with my family and had a blast doing it. The parks were packed but we had a blast! I would not suggest going to Disney during the holidays though. Avoid the crowds and go in January or Spetember. Read more about our day at Animal Kingdom here, our day at Magical Kingdom here, our day at Epcot here and all of the fun Christmas decor here.Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through

4. Top Sail Island, NC

A good friend let us borrow her beach house for a week on Top Sail Island in August. Top Sail Island is at the bottom of North Carolina so it isn't as crowded as the rest of the Outer Banks. We had the beach to ourselves every day and found tons of shells! Read more about the island, the beach, and finding the perfect seashells.Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through

3. Charleston, SC

We loved Charleston so much, we went twice this year! The Husband and I went in May to celebrate him graduating from law school and we went again with my family for Thanksgiving. I love wandering around this beautiful city and discovering all of the incredible places to eat! Read more about where we ate, here and here. Read more about exploring the city here. Read about where we stayed here and here.Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through

2. Warsaw, Poland

I was so excited about our trip to Warsaw. I love scouting out a new city for a conference. We had time to explore the old city, the new city, downtown and a few of the hotels- the Marriott and the InterConn. We even had a chance to go to the Royal Lazienki Park and wonder around. We shopped some and even bought some Polish Pottery. Read all about where we ate, here.Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through

1. Jordan-Petra & The Dead Sea

Jordan was the highlight of this year. Going to Petra and seeing one of the UNESCO World Hertiage Sites was incredible. We only had half a day in the old city and I wish we had more time. There was so much to see and so many fascinating details that I am sad we missed a lot of it.The Dead Sea has always been on my bucket list. I was able to go last year, when we were scouting out the location for this year's conference. But we had a lot more time to get into the water and it is such a weird experience! Be sure to read my post on prepping for going into the Dead Sea if you are planning on going!Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing Through Top 5 Places I Traveled in 2015 | Breezing ThroughBreezing Through Blog


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