The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure

The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure

People have asked me “Where does Emily get her sense of style and adventure?” Emily and I have talked about the things that have influenced her over the years. Having pondered this in great depth, I realize that it is the women in my life that influenced me for the challenges that would come. Here is The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure.


Emily has a strong and noble birthright, a father and grandfather who are examples of integrity, wisdom, and spiritual strength. She has a tremendous extended family she can rely on. There are many people I could reference who have had great meaning, help shape, and influence her. She has been greatly blessed to be influenced by valiant, wonderful people. Yet, as we celebrate Emily’s new adventure into motherhood, I have reflected on the women who shaped my life, the women who helped shape me as a wife and mother and prepare me to raise Emily.

The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and AdventureThe Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure

Emily has had a number of challenging events in her young life. She has shared some of those challenges on her blog. Others she still holds in her heart. Those who know her well have witnessed some of her heartbreaks and setbacks. Some have asked me where her determination and grit comes from. I would like to say that her strength all comes from me. Indeed, we have spent many hours together. We have had many adventures together, and I have been close by during many of her trials.

The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and AdventureThe Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure

However, to know Emily’s successes and achievements; to watch Emily overcome obstacles and accomplish her goals during the course of her young life; you would have to know the women who have made her life rich with possibilities. These are the women who shaped me and helped me shape her. These are the women who are her legacy.

The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and AdventureThe Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure

There is not space for a single post to write of these women. Nor is there the ability to write about all of Emily’s ancestors—women of strength and valor, but women I do not know. So, with Emily’s permission, and in collaboration with my mother, Emily allowed me the opportunity to share the faces, traits, strengths, and stories of the women who shaped me, and therefore the women who helped me shape Emily. I hope you will return again for my next addition of “The Legacy of Emily’s Sense of Style and Adventure”.

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