Seven Months With Jackie

Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through

Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through

Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Seven Months with Jackie | Breezing Through 

Seven Months With Jackie | Updates

I feel like this month Jackie has really become a little person. She is sitting up really well on her own and she is showing off her personality. We have introduced cereal and puffs this month and Jackie is loving it. She makes the funniest face when she puts them in her mouth but is always asking for more after they are gone. As always, Jackie is happy to meet new people and loves going to new places. We discovered this month that Jackie doesn't like to be cooped up all day. One Saturday we stayed home all day and she was grumpy towards the end of the day. Usually she is only mad when she is tired or hungry. She is easily soothed so it was odd that she was so unhappy. That evening, we went out to meet my parents for a milkshake. Jackie was in heaven. She wasn't grumpy anymore and she chatted the entire time.

Jackie has really started to talk this month. No actual words but she is constantly making noises, some of which are rather loud. She loves to be in the middle of everything and tends to try to talk over people. She makes friends everywhere she goes, she could care less about me. Jackie did go through a phase earlier this month where she didn't nap very much but she has come back around from that. This girl loves nap time!

Winnie the Pooh is a favorite right now. We decided she would be a bee for Halloween which is fitting. Jackie loves to watch The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh. Her favorite scene is with the honey bees.

Jackie's personality is hilarious. She is the goofiest little person. Her giggle is infectious and she is the biggest show off. I am hoping she is this fun during our trips next month!


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