Raising Your Kids, Your Way

Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Breezing Through

Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Outfit Details

Dress: Rachel Parcell // Necklace: Made By Mary // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Kendra Scott // Watch: Arvo // Purse: Amazon // Scarf: Amazon // Shoes: Target

Isn't this dress perfect for the 4th of July? I love the entire 4th of July collection from Rachel Parcell but this one really stood out to me. It also comes in red!

Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Mom Shaming

We all have a story of being mom shamed. It has either been in person, through the grape vine or via social media. We see it all of the time. Even celebrities are susceptible to it. Chrissy Tiegen was mom shamed for going out to dinner "too soon" after her son was born. Olivia Wilde was mom shamed for posting a picture of her kissing her son on the mouth. Someone doesn't agree with how you do bedtime or how you handle a melt down.

Honestly, we have probably mom shamed someone else. We don't agree with that they breastfed or not. We don't like how they discipline their child.

At the end of the day, we are all trying to do our best and raise our kids to be good people. I may not agree with what you do and you may not agree with what I do. But does it matter? We all have to do what is best for our kids. Every kid is different. They don't come with a manual. I wish they did. That would make life so much easier! So we have to figure out how to get through this thing called parenthood without permanently scarring out children.


Raising Your Kids, Your Way | My Way of Parenting

For me, that means more screen time that would studies and mommy chat rooms suggest. Jackie gets bored, very easily. When she is bored, she gets impatient and starts doing things she knows she shouldn't. No matter how much I sit on the floor and play with her or how many interactive toys she has, she needs something playing in the background. We have a rotating list of movies and YouTube shows that we have on during the day. About half of them are in Spanish, so she is hearing and learning a second language. She is never alone during the day. She always has adult supervision and playmates. She even has time to play with her older cousins, who range in ages. As a family, we have decided that having something on in the background is better for everyone.

As most of you know, I chose not to breastfeed. We made this decision as a family and it has worked out great for us. You can read more about that decision here.

Does any of this make me a bad mom? Of course not! I am doing the best I can for Jackie and taking it one day at a time.


Raising Your Kids, Your Way | Getting Around Mom Shaming

So how do we combat mom shaming? How do we avoid doing it ourselves? Be positive with each other. Encourage one another. Even if we don't agree. We should not be tearing each other down, women need to stick together! We are all just doing out best to raise good kids. It really is no one else's business how we do it.

At the end of the day, social media and the internet are a big reason why mom shaming is a problem. We see what other people are doing so we feel the need to compare and comment. Is it necessary? No. Is it kind? No. Is it true? No. So why do we do it? Some people feel like they are anonymous. Others just have too much time on their hands. If you are feeling like you are spending too much time mom shaming, take a step back. Would you want to hear that about how you parent? Absolutely not. So don't do it to someone else.


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