Our Favorite Stroller & Car Seat Review

Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Breezing Through

Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Details

Stroller: Uppa Baby // Stroller Attachment: Uppa Baby // Stroller Organizer: Uppa Baby // Snack Tray: Uppa Baby // Car Seat: Graco // Diaper Bag: Freshly Picked


Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Traveling With A Toddler

We have done a little bit of traveling in the last two years, not as much as I would like to be honest though. During those trips, we have found some awesome products that are great for traveling with a baby or toddler. You can read my post about Five Tips to Making Flying With A Baby Easier here and my post Five Tips for Flying with a Toddler here.

You have probably already read last weeks' post Five Tips for Taking Your Toddler to Disney World (read here) and noticed the stroller and car seat we had with us. After that trip, I am 100% committed to taking both of those baby items when we travel. They do exactly what I need them to do and they really don't take up too much room. So I am going to share with you a review of our favorite car seat and stroller!


Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Car Seat

I bought this car seat on accident. I had already bought a convertible car seat for Jackie when she grew up out of her infant car seat at less than a year old. It was great and will eventually convert into a booster seat and grows with her. I realized we needed a second car seat for my mom's car so I didn't have to get the car seat out of my car all the time. I found this one on sale at Target and was able to pick it up the next day. It wasn't until after I opened the box that I realized this was a different car seat. Luckily, this as a very happy accident. The coolest part about this car seat is the extendable foot rest. As your child grows, you can pull out the foot rest so they aren't crammed into the seat. This especially nice when they are still rear facing!

I have always bought Jackie her own seat when we fly because she just won't be a lap child! Most airlines require a child this small to be in a car seat if they have their own seat. Since Jackie wouldn't stay buckled in a regular seat anyway, I always bring her car seat on the plane. This can be a pain but it keeps her contained and I haven't had to do it by myself yet!

According to Graco, this car seat can be rear facing and forward facing. Due to the 7 different angle settings in is apparently ok to use with an infant. I don't know why you would get a car seat for an infant that isn't part of a travel system but whatever! Jackie is still rear facing and it's been great so far! She was front facing on the plane and that worked as well.

 This car seat is currently on sale so grab one while you can!

Our Favorite Stroller and Car Seat Review | Stroller

The Uppa Baby Vista stroller is my favorite baby purchase. I did a lot of research when I was buying a stroller and I decided to invest in something I could use for a long time. I won't repeat my original review so you can read my full review of the Vista Stroller and the Mesa Car seat here.

Today I want to talk about how awesome it is to travel with and the great attachments you can get with it. This stroller will hold up to three kids. Two attached to the frame and a third on a rolling board in the back. You do need to buy some attachments to put two seats on the frame but they are worth it. I ended up getting those attachments last summer when my cousin was visiting with her new born so we could take both girls places and not need two strollers. The upper attachments raised Jackie's seat I have left them on the stroller because I love how much more space I get in the basket.I also ended up buying the snack tray for this stroller because Jackie loves to eat on the go. It is dishwasher safe so it is definitely worth investing in!

We had so many people stop and ask us about the stroller or comment on it on this trip. It is AMAZING for taking to Disney World because you get the convenience of a double stroller without the width of one. It also folds up almost flat, the seat detaches and the wheels come off really easily so taking it on a plane is really easy. I always take the stroller through the airport so that I don't have to worry about chasing Jackie everywhere. I would strongly suggest getting the Travel Bag for the stroller. If you have the stroller in the bag when you gate check it and something happens, Uppa Baby will cover the damage. You do have to register the stroller and the bag with Uppa Baby for this to happen!


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