Matching Red Dresses

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Breezing Through

Matching Red Dresses | Outfit Details

Dress // Shoes // Necklace // Necklace // Earrings // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Jackie's Dress // Jackie's Shoes

Matching Red Dresses | Matching Dresses

By now, you know that I am all about finding matching outfits for Jackie and me. You can see a few more matching outfit posts here, here, here, here and here.

I bought my red dress last year, you may remember it from this post. While this dress isn't available anymore, there is a new version of the dress that was released just yesterday! Not only is it available but it's also on sale. And so is Jackie's dress. I love that you can wear these dresses all summer long. They are perfect for Memorial Day, 4th of July and any occasion all summer long!

Matching Red Dresses | Thoughts About Our Move

Thank you for all of your support about our move announcement! This is so surreal and I still don't feel like it has fully sunk in yet. While it feels like June 30 is so far away, I feel like the days are flying by and I don't have enough time to get everything done.

Moving isn't new to us. The Husband and I have moved eight times in the eight years we have been married. And I moved around a lot during college. I have lived in 4 states since I left home for college and I have loved every minute of it. The Husband and I have always lived in apartments, it's easy to break a lease and we never felt like we were in the place where we were going to settle down. So buying a house has seemed like something so far away in the future. And it is a sign of putting down roots. It honestly terrifies me. I have loved the moving around and trying to find the best fit for our family. I know that you can sell a house after you buy it but it just seems so much more permanent than an apartment.

At the end of the day, I have always come home though. My parents have lived in the DC Metro area since the 1970s. My family is from here. While my parents no longer live in the house I grew up in, and haven't for almost 10 years, it's still the same area. I have known the people in the area and the community for my entire life. Moving away is going to be so strange. The Husband has already done this when he moved out East, but this is a new experience for me.

Matching Red Dresses |Looking Forward

With all these changes, there are lots of things to look forward to. A house! I can't wait to create a space that we can actually thrive in. Design closest, pick a washer and dryer, add a porch swing and patio furniture. Make it really ours.

We are so excited for our new community and the special needs community in Chattanooga. There is a lot for Jackie there and we can't wait to see how she will thrive in this new environment.


The Last Few Months + Empty House Tour


We Are Moving!!