Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit

Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-2Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-5Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-8Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-10Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-12Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-13Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-14Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-15Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-16Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-17Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-18Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-20Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-23Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-24Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Breezing Through-25

Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Outfit Details

Antigua Cobalt Extend Leggings//Go Capri, Antigua Slate//Antigua Slate Headband//Antigua Headband//Signature Hoodie, Ballet Pink//Restore Short Sleeve


Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | My Chronic Pain

I played softball, soccer, basketball and I danced. I was an active kid, all the way up through my senior year of high school. I played outside all day in the summer and swam in any body of water that smelled somewhat decent.

Around my senior year of high school I started having pain in my right hip. I had been hearing from doctors that all of the other pain/discomfort/health issues I had been experiencing where all in my head, so I pushed the pain aside. I kept pushing the pain aside until I was in my second year of college. After a pretty harsh winter in Northern Utah and a very stormy Spring, the pain became unbearable. It had migrated from one hip, across my back, to the other hip. My right hip would cramp up after sitting in one position for an extended period of time or in the middle of a dance class. Sitting in a car or even on a plane for more than a few hours was agony.


Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Resolving the Pain

When The Husband (who I was dating at the time) had to start picking me up from my apartment and driving me to my classes every day because the pain was too much, I realized it was time to see a doctor. Luckily there was an incredible doctor at the hospital that worked with the athletes at my university. I have severe Bursitis in my right hip due to an underdeveloped hip socket and mild Bursitis in my left hip from over-compensating. In addition, I have a displaced disk in my back which caused the back pain.

I ended up having to have 5 cortisone shots, one of which involved hospital stays, and physical therapy to deal with the pain. My doctor told me to stop with the high impact activities- i.e. dance and basketball. I had been dancing since I was 3 years old. When I went through a tough point in high school, dance was how I got through it. This devastated me. I was lost. My doctor recommended yoga.

Paris had been doing yoga for years. I could never hold still long enough to stand it. But when I had to choose over doing yoga 6 days a week or not doing anything, I decided on yoga. Turns out when your body needs something desperately, you enjoy it. Through yoga I was able to strengthen my hips and help with a lot of the pain.


Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Albion Fit

My pain isn't gone. I have been told that I will need a hip replacement before Paris, which is not reassuring. When it is too cold outside, my hip hurts. When a storm is coming, my hip hurts. When I don't stretch enough, my hip hurts. I don't do yoga like I used to but I have learned a lot of new tricks to keep the pain at bay. I have a lot of compression leggings, which tend to help especially when I am traveling. Over time I have tried lots of different brands, sometimes ones made specifically to help with injuries and chronic pain.

I have found that the leggings Albion Fit makes have the best level of compression that keep their shape the longest. Even though their leggings are not made to help with chronic pain like mine, I have found that they do exactly what I need them to. There are times where I will sleep in them because my hip hurts so badly. The next morning I am back to my usual self. I love all of the patterns and colors them come in. Albion Fit releases new colors and patterns on a regular basis so it is easy to have a lot of variety. I have even gotten Paris hooked on them! She shied away from buying a pair for awhile because of the price tag. I convinced her it was worth it and she ended up buying two pairs! Now she has said she will never buy another brand of leggings.

When I was in Utah in July, I had the opportunity to go to the Albion Fit Store and meet with some of their team members. I am so excited to share that I have teamed up with Albion Fit to give away a pair of their leggings! Enter in the Rafflecopter below to win your own pair of these amazing things! The giveaway is open in the US only and will run until August 19 at 11:59 pm.


Living With Chronic Pain and Solving it with Albion Fit | Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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