Learning How To Teach Your Child to Talk

Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Breezing Through

Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Where We Started

I have talked before about how I try not to pay too much attention to milestones for Jackie. Every child is different and every milestone will happen when they are ready. For example, Jackie didn't start to crawl until she was 10 months old. About 2 weeks after she started crawling, she was walking unassisted. And she never really crawled after that.

Jackie was slower when it came to talking. We were a little concerned about it and did talk to her pediatrician about it at her 2 year check up. The doctor wasn't too concerned but wanted us to pay attention to the words Jackie was using, which was only a small handful. I really felt like we could have been doing more as parents to help Jackie but didn't know what that was.


Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | What We Did

I have been following Elise of Hunters of Happiness since about 2013, when I really started to follow influencers on Instagram. So I have followed her infertility journey, her pregnancies, and I have seen her stories about being a pediatric speech pathologist. When she released her course, Talk the Talk, I knew this would be worth spending the money on to help Jackie.

At $70 for the Talk the Talk Plus course, I could not have been easier to sell on this idea. The Husband jumped right on board as well, which is not typical! We watched about half of the videos the first night and decided to spend the next week implementing the stuff we had learned to see how Jackie did. The progress Jackie made in one week was INSANE. Jackie went from about 5 words, to probably 2 dozen. It was incredible. We worked on those techniques for a few weeks before we watched the remaining videos. In just a month, Jackie went from 5ish words to speaking in phrases!


Learning How to Teach Your Child To Talk | Why We Loved It

I felt like what Elise taught in the course were things that were easy to incorporate into daily life, even with 2 working parents. And honestly, I feel like it is what we would have learned if we have gone to speech therapy, paid 4 to 5 times as much, and spent a lot more time in the car going to appointments. Of course, we don't know if Jackie will need to go to speech therapy in the future but at least I know we have done everything we can before we do that to give her a foundation to work from.

We still use all of the techniques that Elise taught in the course and Jackie is continuing to improve every day. The one thing I haven't mentioned yet is about 50% of her speech is Spanish! But I will talk about that more in a few weeks!


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