Jackie Is Two!

Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through Jackie Is Two! | Breezing Through

Jackie Is Two! | Outfit Details

My Dress: Banana Republic // Shoes: Keds // Necklace: Kendra Scott // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Kendra Scott // Watch: Arvo Wear // Jackie's Dress: Hanna Andersson

Jackie Is Two! | The Last 6 Months

I know I say this all the time, but how did this happen!? How did my tiny baby girl suddenly become a full blown toddler? I had to create an image with all of her monthly pictures from the last two years since I won't be doing them anymore. I will only post pictures yearly from now on! You're going to see a lot of posts about Jackie this month since I will also be sharing a post about her Minnie Mouse themed birthday party. I already shared the full post on how I made her Minnie Mouse name sign last week.

At Jackie's 18 month check up, the only thing the doctor expressed concern about was that Jackie still wasn't talking yet. She wasn't really all the concerned though, so neither were we. Jackie has always done things on her own time table, which is usually ahead of the curve, but we knew she would get there when she was ready.

At the end of January, I went to Florida for a work trip. Due to a lot of reasons, Jackie came with us. We brought the amazing Emma to help out with her. While on that trip, I talked to the Husband about maybe getting some help to encourage Jackie to start talking. I think she may have known and decided when we got back that it was time to start talking. She has a ton of words she says now, in the right context too. Last week she even said no to me. I'm not sure how I feel about that one.


Jackie Is Two! | How We Are Celebrating

Today is Jackie's actual birthday! The Husband took the day off of work (busy season ended on Friday so the timing was perfect) and we spent the morning showering Jackie with love. She got a few of her bigger presents from us this morning. We will be heading to the doctor later today for her 2 year check up and some shots (yikes!). We won't be having her party for another two weeks because The Husband's parents are coming to visit and we wanted them to be here for the party.

Jackie Is Two! | Going Forward

This summer is going to be jam packed with fun activities and trips with cousins so Jackie is going to get a lot more socialization and travel in this year. I am excited to see how she interacts with her younger (and older) cousins. There is a baby cousin on the way that will arrive at the end of the summer so we are also excited about having a new baby around. Jackie has been loving babies recently so I think this little one is going to get a lot of love!


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