Jackie is Three!

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Breezing Through

Jackie is Three! | Outfit Details

Dress // Sweater // Shoes // Necklace // Earrings // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Jackie's Dress // Jackie's Shoes // Star Balloons // Clear Balloons

Jackie is Three! | Three

How is my baby three!? I can't believe it's been three years since she was born! The last year has been a roller coaster ride and I feel like with COVID-19, everything is just getting crazier. We have learned so much about Jackie in the last year and I feel like we understand her better because of it. I just hope we can continue to do everything for her to help her down the road.

Jackie is Three! | Keeping Things Normal

We had to postpone Jackie's birthday party indefinitely since the Stay At Home order in Virginia is in effect until June 10. We will probably have a big party with family and friends once we can all get together again and celebrate all of the birthdays that have happened during this time.

But I did want to keep things somewhat normal on her birthday. So today, we had presents for her when she got up, had balloons, played games, will have cupcakes and just make the day about Jackie. I think she is going to love this day, but I'm sure she will wonder tomorrow why she doesn't get to do it all over again!

Jackie is Three! | Other Birthday Posts

Jackie's Birth Story

One Year with Jackie

Jackie is Two


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