Introducing Paris

I am very excited to introduce you to the newest contributor to Breezing Through, Paris. Paris wanted to give you a little background on herself before she starts posting this week:Introducing Paris | Breezing ThroughI have been traveling my entire life. My first trip was to Europe when I was six month old. The first trip I remember was Christmas the year I was 7. We went to Germany to visit my grandmother and great Aunt in Berlin. We ate every meal on the couch in their living room. I slept under a mountain of quilts. So many quilts I couldn’t turn over. They only had a coal stove in the living room to heat their apartment. My brother was sent down the three flights of stairs to fetch the coal daily.Christmas Even my grandmother lit the candles on the tree and we ate a traditional German dinner. I still have the baby crib Santa brought me that Christmas.That Christmas both of my living grandmothers and my great aunt were there in that small apartment in Berlin. My maternal grandmother had traveled from the states with us for the holiday. It was the most wonderful two weeks a child could have. That apartment building has since been torn down due to modernization and both f my grandmothers and my great aunt are gone now. Time is fleeting. Moments matter. Make every moment count.I am the mother of three. My husband and I own two international companies and enjoy traveling with our family as well as on the occasional get-a-way alone together.While I do suffer from travel anxiety and have all my life, I have learned some ways to alleviate some of my travel anxiety. Some of those tips I have passed on to Emily that she shares eloquently and creatively on her blog posts. Others I will address that involve traveling with children and families (and other more stressful topics). Until then, enjoy the journey…Travel Well, Paris | Breezing Through


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