How to Save Money When You Travel

This is a big week for us. This is the last set of finals the husband will be taking for law school and we are moving this weekend! The husband will be doing an externship in Washington DC until May, then we will move to wherever he gets a job offer (my fingers are crossed for New York!). I'll be sharing more on our move next week.With the holidays coming up, I am going to spend this week going over some of my most important travel how to's, which hopefully will make traveling this year a little easier! Today is a about saving money when you travel.1) Stick to a budget. The budget can change depending on where we are but it is important to at least have a number in your head that you can work with.2) Use a credit card when possible! Sometimes you can't, which is fine but if you get perks like extra miles or cash back when you use your credit card, don't be afraid to use it when you travel. I know a lot of people are worried about having their credit cards stolen, which has happened to us, but you are just as likely to have it stolen shopping at Target as you are buying a nativity scene in Germany.3) When using your credit card, always ask for the bill in your native currency. This can save you a ton of money when the exchange rates are constantly changing. Your credit card company will give you the best exchange rate for you but the people you are buying from will use the best exchange rate for them.4) Limit yourself to purchasing one item per trip. This is something my parents started when we were small. We where only allowed to get one thing every trip we went on. That meant we had to be very picky with what we bought. It saves money and space in your suitcase!Breezing Through


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