Finding The Right Credit Card

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Breezing Through

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Outfit Details

Sweater // Jeans // Shoes // Purse // Necklace // Earrings // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Getting A Credit Card

Last year we switched credit cards after having the same one for 5 years. When we did decide to switch I did a lot of research to make sure we switched to a card that would be better for us. I have gotten a few questions over the last few months about why we switched and why we picked the one we went with. So today, let's talk about finding the right credit card for you.

The Husband and I had no intention of getting a credit card when we got married. And we went 2 years without getting one. Until our car was totaled in an (almost) hit and run accident and we ended up having to rent cars for a few months while we got a new car figured out. Turns out car rental companies will actually fine you (at least in 2014) for using a debit card verses a credit card. Since we were using rental cars for so long, we caved a got a credit card.

We decided to to get a Chase United card. We wanted a credit card would give us miles for traveling to visit family and I have been flying United for years.

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Why We Wanted A New One

There are SO MANY reasons why we decided to switch cards. Most of them honestly have to do with United. After United and Continental Airlines merged, I felt like their customer service and the travel experience overall went down hill. But we kept flying with them. I honestly can't figure out why. Every time we flew out west to visit The Husband's family, our flights our be delayed or sometimes cancelled. Flying out west required multiple flights with either non existent layovers or 5 hour layovers. After we had Jackie, this became more and more unacceptable.

Not only was our experience with United bad but it wasn't great with Chase be either. Any time we needed to talk to card services, it could be at least an hour to get a simple issue resolved. If there was a possible fraudulent charge, The Husband would get a voice mail and we had to call in and confirm or deny the charge. Which could take up to an hour. Who has time for that!?

After looking into the Jet Kids Bed Box last year for Jackie, I discovered that United was one of the few US airlines that still haven't approved this for travel. After that I was done. After years of dealing with credit card issues and trying to scrape together miles every time we wanted to fly, I decided it was time to move on and find something that was better for us.

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Which One We Went With

I did a lot of research. If you have been reading the blog for awhile, you know by now that I do a ton of research for even the most minor change. So for changing our credit card, this was a big deal. I spent several months reading reviews and looking into which cards would be a good option.

After months of research, I landed on the Capital One Venture Card. Let's talk about why.

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | Why We Chose the Capital One Venture Card

Just to clarify, this isn't sponsored. I have just had several conversations about this in the last few months and thought it would be a good idea to share the information with all of you.

One of the big reasons we liked the Capital One Venture Card was because you could pick how to spend your rewards. You can apply your rewards points to pay off your current card balance. Or you can transfer points to miles with more than 15 airline partners. Or you can apply your rewards to pay off specific travel. You can also book your travel through the Capital One travel site and take advantage if discounts & using your rewards points. Also, there are no foreign transaction fees.

Now that we have had the card for almost a year, I can say that I have really loved it. We get 2 points per dollar spent on every purchase, more for travel purchases. Customer service is AMAZING. Where I used to have to block out 1-2 hours to expect to talk to someone with our Chase United Card, a call into Capital One takes about 10 minutes. This card also comes with some great security features that we didn't have with the last card. I get a text & and email when there even appears to be a fraudulent charge. All I have to do is say if I made the purchase or not and it's done.

Finding the Right Credit Card For You | What To Look For

So if you are looking for my opinion, the Capital One Venture card is much better than the Chase United card. But at the end of the day, you need to make the best decision for you.

When looking for a credit card you need to look for a few things. What will the interest charges be? How will you be rewarded? Are there extra rewards for spending a certain amount of money in the first few months? Do the rewards expire? Are there annual fees? What are all of the benefits you receive for using this card and do they fit your needs?


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