Eight Months With Jackie

8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through

8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through8 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through


Eight Months With Jackie | Lots of Firsts

This month was a month of lots of firsts. I know I probably say that every month but this time it was lots of big firsts. We started the month out with a trip out to Idaho to see The Husband's family. We flew from Virginia to San Francisco then San Francisco to Boise. Jackie did a ok on the first flight, especially since it was 6 hours long. But after that, she was a rock star on every other flight! She fell asleep before take off on the last three flights. While in Idaho, we did family pictures, which of course she loved. She is such a ham when the camera comes out!

Less than a week after we got back from Idaho, we packed Jackie into the car and were off to the beach. We stopped in Durham for my doctors appointment. Jackie was a champ! Turns out this little girl is an amazing traveler. The only time she struggled was when she woke up from a nap and it was dark outside. But Jordan was with her in the back seat and would hold Jackie's hand and talk to her. It was adorable!

While at the beach, Jackie experienced sand and the ocean for the first time. Even though it was chilly out, she LOVED the water. Not a huge surprise considering she loves the pool. But the sand didn't bother her at all. Jackie's favorite thing to do while at the beach was sitting on the balcony and yelling at the ocean. She also tried a swing for the first time while at the beach. Another hit!

Eight Months With Jackie | More Updates

Aside from all of her firsts this month, Jackie has been doing some fun other things too! She is still not really crawling and doesn't want to roll over, even though she can. She has started to pull herself up onto anything that will hold still. Jackie has also discovered how to go from a sitting position to a crawling position, mostly so she can then pull herself up onto something. My favorite development of this month is the mimicking. For the most part, Jackie has been copying noises for a few months now. But she has recently started repeating words and noises she recognizes. She has even said bye-bye a few times. When she doesn't say it completely, she will make the B noise.


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