Eating Gluten Free: Smoothies

Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-1Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-4Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-2Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-3Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-5Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-6Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-8Eating Gluten Free- Smoothies-7

I know that the first Friday of every month used to be DIY Fridays. I stopped doing that after I found out I was pregnant, I just didn't have the energy to DIY anymore. I do want to try something new here though. I get a lot of questions about what I eat since I have been gluten free for over 6 years now. I am going to start sharing what our family eats and how to easily make it gluten free. For now, I will be doing this the first Friday of every month. If needed, I will increase the number of times I post about it throughout the month!

I wanted to start off simple for the first post. Something I have been eating a lot of this pregnancy is smoothies. They are an easy way to get my sugar cravings and I can make them VERY low calorie.I usually buy fresh fruit,cut it up and freeze it in bags so I can just grab a bag when I am feeling a smoothie. This take some prep work but makes it really easy later. I have done combinations like the following:

Peaches & Strawberries

Peaches & Blueberries


Peaches & Mangos

Strawberries & Mangos

Strawberries, Blueberries & Bananas

I then add about a cup of coconut water to the fruit and blend it all up. It is a great, low calorie snack that isn't too heavy!


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