Dead Sea Tips

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

Dead Sea Tips | Breezing Through

After going into the Dead Sea several times on in 204-2015, I have come up with a few tips for those of you who are planning on going to to the Dead Sea!

1) Don't shave if you are planning on going into the water! I learned this one the hard way. The first day we went into the water, I only waded into the water up to my knees. The water really stung my skin and I had red bumps all over my legs. I was worried that I was allergic to something in the water, because I am allergic to everything. Turns out, I was just suffering from irritation because I had shaved that morning. The bumps went away within a few hours and every time I knew I was going into the water, I skipped the razor.

2) If you are looking for results from using Dead Sea Mud, you need to use it more than once. The first day we went down to the water, I covered myself in mud. Including my face. My skin felt really great after I washed off the mud but there wasn't any visible difference. When I did the same thing the next day, there was a huge difference in my skin! All my acne was gone (I didn't have much to begin with though), the stress hives on my wrist were gone and the tone of my skin was a lot more even. The key is to be patient!

3) Don't get the water in your mouth! The Dead Sea has a lot of salt but also a lot of other minerals. While the water does burn your eyes, it is easy to wash out. Getting it in your mouth is one of the nastiest experiences ever! It took several hours to get all of the nastiness to go away!

4) Swim with friends! It is so much more fun to do the Dead Sea with other people. You can take pictures of each other and float together!

5) Take some rocks home with you! There are some amazing rocks at the Dead Sea. I have never seen anything that says you can't take any rocks home with you and the people that worked at them Kempinksi actually helped us find really cool rocks. If you are lucky, you will find ones that are cool shapes or are completely smooth!


King Hussein bin Talal Convention Center


The Dead Sea