Choosing To Fail

Choosing To Fail | Breezing ThroughChoosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through Choosing To Fail | Breezing Through

Choosing To Fail | Outfit Details

Top: J Crew Factory // Pants: Hudson Denim // Shawl: J Crew // Boots: Steve Madden (old, similar) // Necklace: Kendra Scott // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Bracelets: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Kendra Scott // Watch: Arvo Wear // Purse: Sole Society // Jackie's Dress: Hanna Andersson // Jackie's Shoes: Target


Choosing To Fail | What I Mean By Fail

A few months ago, I talked about choosing to fail. It is something I heard on Jenna Kutcher's Goal Digger Podcast and I really grabbed onto it. I have been trying to talk about this concept more and what it means to me, so I wanted to do a full blog post and explain it to you.

When I say fail, I don't mean doing something badly or missing the mark. By fail, I mean failing to do something. As a mom that also works full time, I have a lot on my plate, a lot of the time. The last few months have been more stressful with dealing with family health issues as well. I rarely get everything I need to done. I don't always get to spend time with Jackie. The laundry piles up and sometimes the dishes aren't done. I don't clean as often as I would like. There is a pile of clothes, shoes and jewelry that need to be donated or sold. This is what I mean by failing.


Choosing To Fail | Making A Choice

As a mom, I experience mom guilt. Who hasn't? I don't spend enough time with Jackie. But instead of sitting around and feeling guilty about it, I am making a choice. I am choosing to fail at other things. The laundry doesn't get folded right away. Dishes pile up in the sink. I don't exercise regularly. Instead of doing those things, I am spending time with Jackie. Instead of getting upset of about getting those things done, I choose to fail. I choose to not feel bad about not getting those things done. I have noticed that I feel less guilty and I am enjoying myself more.

The same thing goes for work or blogging. I can't do everything. I know that. So I do what I can. I say no to the things I can't do. Sometimes, I over do it. I take on too much and I need to step back. I take a day when I don't do anything except spend time with my family. I read more. Instead of getting up at 5:30 am and running around trying to get everything done, I am trying to take more time for myself.


Choosing To Fail | Join Me

We all have something we can fail at. There are things we can put off to the side for a day or two so we can do more important things instead. So I am going to try to share the things I am failing at. It won't be consistent, otherwise I would be putting it over other things. But I will be sharing them. I plan on sharing them on my Instagram stories. I want you to do the same. Show my how you choose to fail. Use #choosingtofail when you share how you have chosen to fail. I want this to be a community of women who are showing each other that we are all human and we don't have to be perfect.


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