Camp Castle Play Mat Review

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

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Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Breezing Through

Medium Play Mat // Place Mat

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Play Mats

By now, you have probably seen our giant US map play mat. I stumbled across Camp Castle Play Mats a few years ago and fell in love with the idea of a wipeable map that could be drawn on, spilled on and played on. I have seen so many different kinds of play mats but never a combination of wipeable and such cute designs. Usually it's one or the other. Since the purchase of that one US mat, which is sadly no longer made, we have branched out and added more mats to our collection! So I thought it was time so share a Camp Castle Play Mat review with you!

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Options

One of the things I love the most about Camp Castle Play Mats is all of the options! There are lots of different sizes of mats that you can buy along with digital download versions that you can color yourself! When all of the social distancing started, I did get a digital download version of the Dino Land mat for the girls to color. I loved that I could print it as many times as I wanted so I was able to have one for the older girls and one for Jackie!

Aside from the digital downloads, I also love the different size options. We started off with a medium size mat, which is the perfect size for the floor. The next size I bought was the mini, which is the same size as a place mat. It's what we use for Jackie's seat the counter and it's been perfect. Jackie loves talking about the sea creatures and pointing them out to us.

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Design

If the options weren't enough of a motivator for you, there are also the darling designs! I love that new designs are released regularly so you can always find something that your kids will love!

Now let's talk about the material. Like I said, this is a wipeable mat. That means there isn't bacteria living in it and you aren't going to have crumbs or play dough stuck to it like you would with a carpet play mat. At first I was skeptical that most things would wipe off the mat. But after wiping off markers, chocolate and blood, I can attest to how easy these mats are to clean!

Camp Castle Play Mat Review | Storage

Now that we have 3 mats (not including the digital downloads), they can't always been out. One of the mat stays at Paris's house and we get it out when we need it. So how does it store? If you roll it up, really well! I can roll up the mat and keep it in a closet and then pull it out when we need it. It lays flat quickly and is easy to roll right back up!


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