Blogging on the Go

Between travel, work, school, being with my cousins and all of the moving, I had to figure out how I could blog without being at a computer all of the time. I needed a way to blog on an airplane when I had 2 hours where I didn't have internet access. Today, I want to share with you some of the apps and devices I use to make this work. I have all of these apps on all of my devices so I can work on just about anything at any time.


[gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="5992,5985"]WordPress is the blogging platform I use to it makes the most sense to use it to blog right? I can obviously use WordPress on my laptop when I have time to write a post but there are times when it just doesn't work out that way. There are times I blog on my phone while in bed; it's the best! If I don't have internet access, I can write a post, save it to my drafts and have my phone sync all of my work when I get back to internet (and the real world!).


Blogging on the Go | Breezing Through This little guy is my best friend! . I edit all of my pictures on my iPad. So I needed a way to get my pictures from my camera to my iPad. First, I bought a knock off version from Groupon. Bad idea. When that stopped working after about 3 uses, I decided to pony up the $30 and buy the real thing. Best idea ever. I carry this bad boy with me everywhere and I can just dump my pictures from my camera onto my iPad and it takes only about 3 minutes!


[gallery size="large" ids="5989,5988,5987"]I think Afterlight is my favorite photo editing app. I use it for Instagram, editing blog pictures or even just editing pictures that will go on the Family Photo Stream. It is such an easy app to use and it works on my phone and my iPad.


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While I will always love Afterlight, there are just some things it doesn't do. Editing out spots and blemishes is one of those things. Photoshop Express is FREE and is a great tool for editing pictures!


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Once I'm done downloading & editing pictures, I just upload them to Dropbox and I can access them ANYWHERE. I can download them onto my computer so I can include them into a post. I can grab one and download it onto my phone to use in an Instagram post. I can even share my pictures with my family or work!


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Oh the Pages App. This makes posting to Facebook 100 times easier. I can grab the link for my blog post and write a Facebook post for you all to see. I can even schedule posts for later. I love this app because it gives me all the stats about my Facebook page and I can start ad campaigns from it too.


[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="6015,6014"]This app is newer for me. I have been using it for a couple months now and I love it. I actually use it for a bunch of different things, including work. This app basically tells the other apps on your devices how to communicate with each other based on what you want. You create a recipe and the IF app does all of the work. Right now, I use it to store my Instagram pictures to a Dropbox folder. Whenever I post a picture to Instagram, the app automatically uploads that same picture to a dropbox folder. This is awesome since I do a Instagram Round Up of all of my outfits at the end of each month. I don't have to worry about making sure all of the pictures get uploaded and the text is even there so I don't need to go hunting for all the information!


[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="6062,6064"]Hootsuite is such an incredible tool that I have used for awhile to schedule posts for Facebook and Twitter. They just added access to Instagram this week so I am excited! Hootsuite allows you to schedule posts in advance so you don't have to worry about doing it in the moment. This is great for when I am writing blog posts ahead of time and I know what I will be posting to my social media about those blog posts. I am super excited to see how it works with Instagram in the next few weeks!I hope this was helpful to see how I blog on the go! It's been rough trying to figure out what works best for me, and it is still a work in progress, but these apps have made a HUGE difference!

Breezing Through Blog



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