Apartment Hunting

If you have been reading along for awhile or follow me on Instagram, you know the Husband and I moved recently. This was our seventh move in three years, crazy I know! We had spent the last few months living with my parents while we figured out where we would end up after the Husband finished law school. Once we figured that out, we started looking for an apartment. The last few times I have moved, it's been to a smaller town or a college town, so finding a place to live was fairly easy. This time was a whole new ball game. Living in an area where there are lots of options actually makes finding a place to live harder, first world problem I know. We spent almost a month looking for a place and did a lot of research. I have been getting a lot of questions on how we found our apartment, so I wanted to share that with all of you!I relied pretty heavily on apps when looking for an apartment. I was traveling a lot this summer so I didn't always have time to go to apartments to look at them or sit down at my computer to do lots of research. So here are the 5 apps I used and what I thought about each one:Apartment Hunting | Breezing ThroughTrulia RentTurlia was a favorite. This app is easy to use and makes sorting through all of the options very easy. You can sort by location, # of bedrooms/bathrooms, price range, property type, crime rate, etc. I also really liked that  I could save all of my favorite apartments into one place so I could come back and find them later.
Hopefully this was helpful! I kept all of these apps on my phone all summer and would check them almost every day. Rent prices change daily (WTF) so it can be tricky finding the right place at the right time!Breezing Through Blog



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