5 Months With Jackie

5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through

5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through5 Months With Jackie and An Update | Breezing Through

This was a big month for Jackie. I feel like I took a lot more videos than pictures this month with all of the big milestones! She started eating solid foods! If you caught the picture of her watching the pizza, I think we might have actually waited too long to introduce her to food. She loves watching other people eat and always wants to get her hands into whatever you are eating. Right now, she only likes orange foods. So weird. We have tried apples & bananas but she isn't a fan. We did try peaches (because they are orange) the other day and she LOVED them. So orange foods it is!

Jackie cut two teeth this month. Yes, she is very ahead of the curve. It was actually a fairly easy process, she didn't even have a fever. She was cranky for a few days but considering how easy going  she is most of the time, it wasn't a big deal. Those little teeth are SHARP! She was chewing on The Husband's thumb a week or so ago and she actually drew blood. He has stopped letting her do that.

Jackie also started rolling over this month. She started doing it from her stomach to her back. While she isn't very consistent about it, she loves when she can make it happen. She is about half way there when it comes to rolling from her back to her front. This little one wants to move and once she starts, there will be no stopping her!

Jackie is still sleeping through the night, no sleep regression yet, and loves spending time with people. We call her Princess FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because if people are hanging out without her, she gets really mad.

We did have to say goodbye to the office interns this month which was so sad. We loved having them around and they loved Jackie!

I love her personality right now. She gives you the sweetest smile when you get her out of bed. It is usually a fight over who gets to get her up because it is so fun! She has discovered her feet and I love it. She loves to lay on the floor and chat while she holds onto them. While she is teething, she has stopped putting her own hands in her mouth. I think she figured out that it hurts.

We did move into the new apartment this month and I think that Jackie has settled in pretty well. We did wait to start giving her solid foods until we were settled there. Her room is pretty much the same as it was in the old place, just a scaled down version.

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