4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging & A Giveaway

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through 4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Breezing Through

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Post Details

Dress: LuLaRoe (similar) // Sweater: Fancy Frills Boutique (similar) // Necklace: Kendra Scott // Watch: Arvo // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Kendra Scott // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Bracelet: Alex & Ani // Shoes: Target // Purse: Sole Society // Scarf: Amazon // Jackie's Dress: Target // Jackie's Shoes: Target

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | 4 Years of Blogging

Has it really already been four years since I started this blog? I can still remember sitting in our tiny studio apartment in South Carolina, getting everything set up and taking (terrible) pictures on my phone. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting myself into. Every year around the anniversary of my blog, I share some things I have learned from blogging. You can see my posts on what I learned after 1 year, 2 years and 3 years of blogging. This year, I wanted to do something a little different. Looking back at my posts from those other three years, the things I learned were pretty typical. I grew as a blogger and I figured out how to make this space work for me. But they are all the same things you will hear from anyone that is a blogger. So this year, I am sharing 4 unexpected things I have learned from 4 years of blogging.

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | The Things Other People Say

When I started blogging, cyber bullying was just becoming a thing. You really didn't hear much about someone committing suicide because they were being bullied online. Now you hear about it all of the time. Suicide rates in teens have sky rocketed, and most studies point to social media.

After blogging for 4 years, I have learned that people will say anything because they think they are anonymous. They know there is someone on the other side of the computer. They know there is a real person that is posting and reading their comments. But we all have this thing where we are critical of each other. For the most part, we do it in our heads. But when we get in front of a keyboard, we can sometimes let those inside thoughts spill out into the Internet. Because there are no real consequences. If you tell a friend something critical, you may not end up being friends after that. Especially if you phrase it the same way you would if you were commenting on someone's Instagram post.

I have had people comment the most random and sometimes hurtful things. I am not a big enough blogger to get too much negative attention but people still feel the need to do it. In addition to negative comments, there are the creepers that slip into your DMs and send unwanted and creepy messages. I don't know how many times I have to mention I have a husband before people stop doing that. People are weird.

That is just the things people say online. You would never believe the things people say to my face. A lot of people don't understand how much time and effort it takes to have a blog, and I don't even do mine full time! People can be judgmental and rude. Mostly because they don't know what they are talking about.

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | It Is Time Consuming

You probably think that this is just something I throw together in an hour or so and I am all ready for a post to go live. Nope. If there are pictures to be taken, I have to figure out an outfit, coordinate the timing with whomever is taking the pictures, then sort through and edit the ones I want. Then I have to write the blog post. Then I have to make images for Pinterest and other social media platforms. When an outfit is involved, I link all of the items in the outfit so that you can easily shop them and I can get commission. Then I have to write the post. Some posts are easy and I can be done in less than an hour. Other posts I take days to write, coming back when I feel the inspiration. Once the post is 100% done, I have to schedule for it to go live on all of my social media platforms. That also means I have to come up with text for each post. Like I said, some posts are easy and can be done in just a few hours. Most posts however, take upwards of 5 hours to complete. Now you know why I usually only post 3 days a week.

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | It Is Expensive

No one talks about this. You can't get start a blog and be successful if you aren't spending money. Companies don't just send you products all of the time. You have to buy clothes to post about. You have to pay for your camera and computer equipment. You have to pay for your website to be hosted. You have to pay for additional programs that will help with email marketing, giveaways and image creation. Every single thing costs money. And it costs way more than you think.

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Comparison

I feel like this has become more of a topic lately but it is still something you don't expect when you start blogging. When I started blogging in 2014, I was documenting my travels. As life changed, so did my blog. I would be lying if I said that I didn't compare my blog to other peoples. Why hasn't my blog been as successful as someone else's? Why are certain aspects of blogging harder for me than they appear to be for others? There aren't good or healthy answers for these questions. The real truth is that it doesn't matter. I am in the place in my life that I am in. So is my blog. I have a lot going on aside from my blog and it doesn't generate enough income for me to do it full time. I could quit my job and probably get my blog to that point but I love what I do. I love getting out of the house every day and contributing to my family's business. And I love spending time working on this blog when I can. Right now, that is the perfect fit for me.

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Giveaway Time

Today I am giving away this beautiful Kate Spade tote. It is the perfect color for summer and can be used as a work bag or even as a diaper bag. The giveaway will run until next Wednesday (July 18). Be sure to check out my Instagram and Facebook for more ways to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

4 Unexpected Things I Have Learned From 4 Years of Blogging | Other Giveaways

Don't forget that there are giveaways going on every day this week! Here are the links to the other giveaways:

Maskcara Beauty Giveaway

Formulate Giveaway



2018 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Early Access Open & A Giveaway


2018 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Sneak Peek & A Giveaway