4 Months With Jackie

4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through4 Months With Jackie | Breezing Through

4 Months with Jackie

I can't believe Jackie is 4 months old! She is the happiest baby and is always smiling. She is still very much a people person and loves to make new friends. She started giggling this month. Like a really big giggle that turned into a belly laugh. She loves to be upside down, she thinks it is the funniest thing ever.

Jackie is incredibly curious. She loves to know what other people are doing. She also likes to look out the window or be outside on a walk. If she can see/hear/smell new things, she is happy. She discovered rain this month and has loved watching the big summer storms roll in. She has also be sitting up this month. At first, she would just pick her head up some. Now she wants to be sitting up all the time and gets mad when she isn't. So we bought her a Bumbo. She LOVES it. She can sit in the middle of everything and feel included. After awhile she does get tired but it is her preferred spot. We call her Princess FOMO (Fear of missing out). If she can hear that people are in a room together talking, and she isn't there, she will make a stink until she is included.

Teething started this month. She will put anything she can get her hands on in her mouth. I have to keep bibs on her all of the time, otherwise she gets her outfits all wet from the drool.

Moana is her jam. If she is upset about something and we can't get her to calm down,we turn on Moana. Mostly "How Far I'll Go" but some of the other songs work too. It is amazing. She will stop crying/fussing and is totally enthralled.

We love our sweet girl. I have loved watching her personality develop more in the last few weeks. She is truly becoming her own person and its amazing.


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