2019 Father's Day Gift Guide

2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through 2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Breezing Through

2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Shopping for Father's

Am I the only one that struggles to shop for the men in my life? I feel like they are all really low key and can be difficult to find something they love. I can easily figure out what to get the women in our family, that comes easily.  But even with help from The Husband, it is a struggle.

Since Father's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to come up with a gift guide for you, since I know I am not the only one that struggles! You can shop everything I have talked about at the bottom of the post.


2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | What We Plan On Doing

Honestly, The Husband is really low key when it comes to gifts. He loves watches but is very picky about them and can take 2 years to decide on which one he wants. The last one he got was right after Jackie was born, so two years ago. He has been loving the premium Spotify and asked for that specifically for Father's Day this year. How do I say no to that?

I did want to do something a little more personal for him this year from Jackie. I found this hand ink pack on Amazon that makes hand prints super easy. Jackie and I worked on this while he was out of town and I can't wait to surprise him with it!

2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | A Few Other Ideas

I know that a Father's Day gift guide would not be complete without more options that what I listed above. So here are a few more ideas the men in your life may love.

The Husband has been loving his wireless headphones lately. You don't have to get Airpods to get someone a good pair of headphones. And the ones on Amazon range in price so you can find something in your budget. I recently got these and I really like them!

Most men will like a Kindle so you can't go wrong there. And if they already have one, you can always get them a new case or a gift card to buy more books.

2019 Father's Day Gift Guide | Shop

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