2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule

2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through2 Months With Jackie & Our Schedule | Breezing Through

Her eyes just kill me! I can't believe she is 2 months already. She is growing like crazy and looks more like a 4 month old than a two month old. Jackie is also behaving like an older baby. She has been socially smiling since she was a little over a month old and loves to look at her reflection. She can hold her head up for long periods of time, but would prefer to do so when she is propped up than during tummy time (which she hates). Jackie is incredibly curious and loves to go on long walks, especially somewhere there is a lot of action. She will go to just about anyone and loves to cuddle.

Jackie takes eating and sleeping very seriously, much to the delight of her parents!She can down up to 7 ounces at a time without spitting it up and often wants more to eat an hour or so later. The thing we love the most that she is doing right now is sleeping. She slept for 7 hours straight for the first time on May 15. The next day we switched her formula from Similac Advantage to Sam's Club Advance. It was cheaper and the box said they were comparable so we thought we would give it a try. After a day of eating it, Jackie actually stopped eating. She would scream because she was hungry but would scream louder if we gave her a bottle. We switched her back to Similac that day and she was much better. The next week we tried Enfamil for a few days, with the same result. So we are sticking to Similac Advantage for now!

On Tuesday May 23, she slept 8.5 hours straight. I had to actually wake her up at 6:30 am to eat something before we left for work. Since then she has been consistently sleeping 7-9 hours every night. I am convinced it has a lot to do with the schedule she is on, especially what we do at night. Our days vary depending on what is going on at work so I will just share our nighttime routine for now:

6:30 pm - Eat 5-6 ounces

7:00 to 8:00 pm - Go for a walk (we skip this if it is raining and just go straight to bath time)

8:00 pm - Bath Time (this is Jackie's favorite!)

8:30 to 9:00 pm - Play mat time. We have discovered she loves to listen to Jazz music. She gets really excited when it is on so we play it during this time so she will wear herself out.

9:00 to 9:15 pm - Story time (both English and Spanish books)

9:15 pm - Tummy Time

9:20 pm - Eat 4-5 ounces

9:30 pm - Bed Time

I would say that she loves the walks and bath time the most but it seems like she likes everything more and more each day. She is recently interacting more during story time and coos at the books she likes the most. She usually screams during tummy time and is very happy to have her bottle when she is done. We then sing to her for a few minutes and put her in her crib. She is never actually asleep when we put her down. We have done this from day one because we wanted her to be able to put herself to sleep. She doesn't cry unless she is still hungry. She will lay in her bed and look up at the baby monitor until she falls asleep. This has been working great for us for the last two months. Of course there are nights where something goes wrong or we aren't home until right before bedtime so everything gets a little off schedule. But we are flexible and she seems to be too!


May 2017 Instagram Round Up


Eating Gluten Free: Lemon Pepper Pork Chops and Mashed Potatoes