Warsaw, Poland: Where We Ate

Warsaw, Poland: Where We Ate | Breezing Through

We did a lot of eating on this trip. We walked pretty much everywhere so we worked up some pretty insane appetites. I wanted to share with you all of the places we ate because I honestly loved every single one of them!

Day 1

Linner- Something my family calls the meal you eat when its too late to be lunch and too early to be dinner! This grill is right on the edge of old town and was amazing! We ordered a few salads to share and I ordered the "small meat" plate thinking I could share it with my mom. The waiter didn't say a word about it! When he brought it out, it was a HUGE cutting board that was covered in meat! There was no way we could even make a dent in it. We did some damage but I would recommend sharing that dish with at least two other people!

Dessert- For dessert we walked around the edge of old town and found a small spring market. There were things to buy but mostly food. My dad got this amazing smelling chimney pipe cake. It was rolled in cinnamon and sugar. Sometimes being gluten free is the worst! My self-pity only lasted until we found the next stall where a woman was selling pure dark chocolate she had molded into all sorts of interesting shapes. We ended up buying a coin, a key and a nail. It was so good! After wandering a little more into old town, we found a cafe that served hot chocolate. I love that they use only dark chocolate in Poland!

Day 2

Lunch was in New Town. We had made our way down there to shop at  one of the Polish Pottery stores (more on that tomorrow!). This restaurant was right across the street and smelled amazing! My mom and I both got the grilled pork and my dad got the pork in a cream sauce. I can honestly say, these were the best french fries I have ever had. If you know me, that means I lot (I love fries). There is something about the pork in Poland, I don't know what but it is amazing!

For dinner we didn't want to wander too far away from our hotel so we found this little burger place less than a block away from the InterContinental. It reminded me of a burger place we go to all of the time at home and they even had gluten free burger buns!!

Day 3

We had lunch at a little restaurant in downtown. It smelled the best of all of the places around and I'm pretty happy about the choice. I ordered the bacon wrapped chicken skewer, which was fantastic. For some reason the Polish people love serving food on cutting boards...My mom got a really good salad and my dad got potato pancakes covered in goulash. He said it was incredible.

Dinner was at the local mall. It was a little place called Moulin Rouge. We decided to sit inside since everyone was smoking outside. They were not as great about the gluten free/wheat allergy as the other places we had eaten at. Even though we had told them about the allergy, they still brought my mom's meal out covered in bread crumbs. After some back and forth they finally got it right. I ordered the grilled chicken (usually the safest bet) and it was really good! We finished it off with chocolate fondue for dessert to celebrate my mom's birthday. 

Day 4

We mostly ate lunch in the Executive lounge at the Marriott this day but we had to stop and get some of the yummy looking strawberries that were set up in the lobby. My mom and I each ordered a bowl of strawberries with whipped cream and chocolate sauce and my dad had the strawberry crepes. It was divine!

Dinner was at an Italian place just a few blocks from the Marriott. We had eaten so heavy the last few days, my mom and I decided to order some appetizers to share. My dad got an entire pizza and loved it! The appetizers were so good! The veggies are so much yummier in Europe than they are here in the States.

Day 5

Lunch was at a little restaurant we found in the Royal Lazienki Park. We wandered around the park for a long time looking for this place so when we finally did find it, we were starving! I loved how simple the menu was and it had some funny little touches to it. I noticed they had a flourless chocolate cake on the menu so I opted for the mango & prosciutto salad to be sure I had room left! My mom also went with a salad. My dad started off with five (yes 5) potato pancakes (there are things that remind me so much of my childhood that I can't eat anymore because of the wheat allergy-those is a big one!) and had grilled chicken as a main course. We of course followed it all up with the flourless chocolate cake with a raspberry sauce...I can still taste it now.


Shopping In Poland


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