Shopping In Poland

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

Shopping in Poland | Breezing Through

When we were out eating one day, we stumbled upon this little section of town that had mostly Polish shops. We had seen a lot of very well dressed women in Poland and were curious about the prices of the clothes. We wandered into this store, Cupriak. The clothes in the window where beautiful so we decided we might was well try a few on for the fun of it!

I can honestly say that every dress I tried on fit perfectly! It took me a few tries to get the right size but once I did, I just had to keep trying on dresses! For someone like me who prefers dresses that go to my knees, have a good cut, a conservative collar and actually has sleeves, this store was heaven! I tried on about 10 dresses and I wanted to take them all home with me! It is practically impossible to find dresses like these here in the States and they averaged at about $100 per dress (which is actually pretty good). Sadly, I could not take all of the dresses home with me but I did buy a few! You will be seeing them at some point, I promise (spoilers: I bought the blue dress in the picture above!).

You can check out their website and do some shopping of your own!


Polish Pottery Shopping


Warsaw, Poland: Where We Ate