Capri In A Day

Capri in A Day | Breezing Through


Capri, Italy is what dreams are made of! I have never been anywhere like Capri. This island is off the coast of Italy and is only accessible by boat. Be sure you do have an entire day to be here because a few hours is just not going to be enough!

1) Boat Ride. Obviously this is something you can't avoid since you need it to get to the island. But this is a great opportunity to see a lot of the island and get some amazing pictures!

Capri In A Day | Breezing Through

Capri In A Day | Breezing Through

2) Spend time on the water. The water at Capri is the most amazing color. There are a lot of restaurants that sit right on the water and would be a great place to grab lunch!
Capri In A Day | Breezing Through Capri In A Day | Breezing Through Capri In A Day | Breezing Through

3) Walk the shops. There are a lot of locally owned shops in Capri. While you don't need to buy anything, you don't want to miss walking through the shops and seeing what the island has to offer!

Capri In A Day | Breezing Through Capri In A Day | Breezing Through

Capri In A Day | Breezing Through


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